Blogosphriends?Thursday, March 08, 2007 by Dave Winer. Kristine Lowe writes about the Sarkozy-led crackdown on amateur photojournalists in France.
There's this weird tech industry thing about friendship, people throw the word around so casually, until something like this happens. If you think LeMeur is a friend, why is he advising and supporting (and giving stage time at a blogging conference) to Sarkozy? He's at a conference in the US now. If you see him, you might ask him what his position is on Sarkozy now that he has acted against amateur journalists, against bloggers. In the US, bloggers take the First Amendment seriously. I think that's part of what makes a blogger a blogger, even outside the US. When a western country, an ally, goes so seriously against free speech, it's a good time to ask who are our friends, and who aren't. Over to you Loic. |