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Thursday, March 08, 2007 by Dave Winer.

Arrington has the scoop (of course). Permalink to this paragraph

An all-new My Yahoo. Permalink to this paragraph

Okay, let's do the upgrade. Permalink to this paragraph

My first reaction: "Zzzzz." Permalink to this paragraph

My second reaction: "Yawn." Permalink to this paragraph

My third reaction: "Oooooh it's Ajax!" Permalink to this paragraph

My fourth reaction: "What's so great about it?" Permalink to this paragraph

I still vastly prefer MyBigFatRiverOfNewsPermalink to this paragraph

Oh la. Permalink to this paragraph

© Copyright 1994-2007 Dave Winer. Last update: 3/31/2007; 9:23:08 PM Pacific. "It's even worse than it appears."

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