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NY Times update

Sunday, March 18, 2007 by Dave Winer.

I was trolling around looking for another Twitter-related project this morning and I came across a comment from a guy who works at the NY Times saying that: 1. The other nytimes account on Twitter is from the Times itself! 2. They've been there since March 5. 3. They're planning to do more with feeds in Twitter. 4. And they welcome competition.  Permalink to this paragraph

My first comment to all that: Awesome! Permalink to this paragraph

I didn't know who was doing the NY Times twitter-river, but it's great that it's the Times itself. I love it when we get into this mode, where things are moving so fast when on March 18 you can boast (legitimately) that you've been doing it since March 5! That's when you know we're rising up the curve quickly. Reminds me of when podcasting was catching on.  Permalink to this paragraph

http://twitter.com/nyt  Permalink to this paragraph

I have more stuff planned too.  Permalink to this paragraph

Let's have fun! Permalink to this paragraph

PS: Jacob Harris from the Times elaborates in a comment here. Permalink to this paragraph

© Copyright 1994-2007 Dave Winer. Last update: 3/31/2007; 9:22:58 PM Pacific. "It's even worse than it appears."

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