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Tuesday, March 27, 2007 by Dave Winer.

Microsoft mistakenly sent this reporter his own dossier. Permalink to this paragraph

Chris Anderson has the actual dossier, in a PDFPermalink to this paragraph

Steve Goodman visits a Phnom Penh amusement park. Permalink to this paragraph

Seattle P-I: "Humane law enforcement officers discovered 110 parakeets in an apartment in the 4200 block of Ninth Avenue Northeast in Seattle on Tuesday." Permalink to this paragraph

The Truman Show anticipated justin.tvPermalink to this paragraph

TechCrunch: Yahoo Mail offers Unlimited Storage.  Permalink to this paragraph

Ars Technica: "Get ready for EVDO Revision B." Permalink to this paragraph

Wired looks at its own past, which includes mine.  Permalink to this paragraph

© Copyright 1994-2007 Dave Winer. Last update: 3/31/2007; 9:22:49 PM Pacific. "It's even worse than it appears."

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