AppleTV has an intriguing profileSaturday, April 14, 2007 by Dave Winer. I like the way 901am describes the connection between flickRivr and AppleTV: "He uses FlickrRivr to pull in Flickr RSS feeds on his computer and then sends them wirelessly to his Apple TV device, resulting in a stream of photos displayed on his TV screen." He goes on to suggest that Yahoo Pipes might be able to do what flickrRivr is doing, but I'm pretty sure the software has to run on the desktop, at least for now. At some point Apple will build in a RSS aggregator that sucks down feeds with pictures, probably in Media-RSS format, in fact I suspect they're already doing it for movie trailers, but there's no way for a non-Apple server-based app to get in there, at least not now. AppleTV has an intriguing profile, it has a full Internet connection through wifi, and it can connect up to any server Apple wants it to. It's kind of a weird beast that way. I was surprised when the movie trailers were already pre-loaded, current ones. I'm pretty sure it's checking for new ones periodically. I wonder if any of the people hacking up AppleTV have been monitoring the network traffic it generates. I'd be very interested in seeing it. Is anyone from Apple is presenting at the Web 2.0 conf next week? They seem to be doing some of the most interesting software right now in this domain, as interesting as my own. |