flickrRivr.rootSaturday, April 14, 2007 by Dave Winer. For OPML Editor users, a new version of flickrRivr.root. I'm planning a new release of the OPML Editor, designed mostly for Mac users, although of course it will run on Windows. It's designed to add on to AppleTV and provide a media subscription service, starting with photographs. That's why I'm reviving flickrRivr -- which I've been using constantly, and wowing visitors to my house with how cool it is to have a stream of photos of friends on my home entertainment center. Apple is obviously heading in this direction as well, AppleTV has a very beautiful screen saver that displays photos synchronized from your desktop or laptop computer. That's what flickrRivr ties into. The next steps in the development of flickrRivr are to make it even more turnkey than it already is. Another coooool application for RSS. PS: Movie demo of flickrRivr. |