Yes, of course, the war is lostFriday, April 20, 2007 by Dave Winer.
I don't think there was any way for Reid to win by saying what he said. So maybe he was motivated by something that the Republicans don't understand, maybe his conscience dictates that he tell the truth, if it might possibly save one life, no matter what kind of a Republican shitstorm it provokes. When the Republicans say we should stay so we don't lose, they're playing politics with the troops lives. And Reid is to be applauded for saying what's so obvious that no one else in politics seems willing to say. BTW, if you want to find the bug -- we didn't have a national discussion about the war before we started it. Instead skeptics were shouted down as unpatriotic. Look at what a mess that created. Will we learn the lesson? Seems we have another chance to do that. Reject the Republican smear. I don't think Reid is wrong, but he simply expressed an opinion, and as majority leader of the Senate, we want him to do that, even if we don't agree. |