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Pictures from BarCamp in Palo Alto

Sunday, August 19, 2007 by Dave Winer.

In reverse-chronologic order... Permalink to this paragraph

Silona, hippie freakPermalink to this paragraph

Newton Chan, professor, Foothill CollegePermalink to this paragraph

Don Park, telling it like it isPermalink to this paragraph

The house the HP garage is behindPermalink to this paragraph

The famous HP garagePermalink to this paragraph

Heather Harde, TechCrunch CEOPermalink to this paragraph

Gaba Rivera, TechmemePermalink to this paragraph

Brian SalisPermalink to this paragraph

Phil Wolff, skypejournal.comPermalink to this paragraph

Meng Wong, VCs SuckPermalink to this paragraph

Scott Beale & Lane Hartwell, schmoozingPermalink to this paragraph

Chris HeuerPermalink to this paragraph

Sarah Meyers, video journalistPermalink to this paragraph

The beautiful Lane HartwellPermalink to this paragraph

Lane, objectifiedPermalink to this paragraph

Brian Caldwell => ValleywagPermalink to this paragraph

Andrew Baron of RocketboomPermalink to this paragraph

Dave JacobsPermalink to this paragraph

Ross Mayfield, SocialTextPermalink to this paragraph

Tara Hunt (Miss Rogue)Permalink to this paragraph

Blue Chalk CafePermalink to this paragraph

Joyce Kim & Niall KennedyPermalink to this paragraph

Factory Joe on Open IDPermalink to this paragraph

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Last update: 8/19/07; 7:56:06 PM Pacific. "It's even worse than it appears."

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