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A new top 100?

Monday, October 1, 2007 by Dave Winer.

12PM: The TechMeme Leaderboard site is live.  Permalink to this paragraph

Like almost everyone else, I keep track of who's pointing to me in Technorati, a service that was created in a Thanksgiving programming binge by David Sifry, based on the output of (my own labor of love) weblogs.com.  Permalink to this paragraph

Technorati grew to become a blog search engine, and much more, but as Mike Arrington points out on TechCrunch, their unique position has been whittled down by other blog search engines who are doing a better job technically. Not hard, since Technorati is famously unreliable. Permalink to this paragraph

A picture named dorothy.jpgTechnorati is also famous for its top 100 list, ranking blogs according to the number of in-bound links. Scripting News started out as the #1 blog on Technorati, and occupied a top 10 slot for a long time, until they changed the algorithm to place less weight on long-term links, so Technorati's list became a measure of recent popularity. News sites, that aren't actually blogs (imho) became the mainstay of Technorati's list. Today, Scripting News is solidly in the second 100 on Technorati. Permalink to this paragraph

Last night Mike Arrington got a scoop, as he so often does, that there's a new list coming soon, from TechMeme, that ranks the sites based on some other measure, which is not (yet) understood in detail. Mike also has a screen shot, which teases, by showing that TechCrunch is number 1 (all those scoops make a diff) followed by Engadget and the New York Times. The Techmeme list doesn't pretend to know what is a blog or isn't they rate all sites regardless or race, creed or color.  Permalink to this paragraph

But Mike's screen shot teases, stopping at #30. What about the rest of the list? There are a hundred or more bloggers who want to know if they made the list, and if so, where they are. Brilliant marketing by Gabe, and damn you Mike.  Permalink to this paragraph

So I begged Gabe for the list, and he relented, and sent me an OPML file containing the data which I then turned into the list below. Enjoy! Permalink to this paragraph

  1. TechCrunch XML Permalink to this paragraph

  2. Engadget XML Permalink to this paragraph

  3. New York Times XML Permalink to this paragraph

  4. Ars Technica XML Permalink to this paragraph

  5. CNET News.com XML Permalink to this paragraph

  6. Read/WriteWeb XML Permalink to this paragraph

  7. GigaOM XML Permalink to this paragraph

  8. BBC XML Permalink to this paragraph

  9. InfoWorld XML Permalink to this paragraph

 10. Wall Street Journal Permalink to this paragraph

 11. The Register XML Permalink to this paragraph

 12. Reuters XML Permalink to this paragraph

 13. Silicon Alley Insider XML Permalink to this paragraph

 14. paidContent.org XML Permalink to this paragraph

 15. Between the Lines XML Permalink to this paragraph

 16. Gizmodo XML Permalink to this paragraph

 17. Google Operating System XML Permalink to this paragraph

 18. eWEEK.com XML Permalink to this paragraph

 19. Search Engine Land XML Permalink to this paragraph

 20. Computerworld XML Permalink to this paragraph

 21. Crave: The gadget blog XML Permalink to this paragraph

 22. Associated Press XML Permalink to this paragraph

 23. TorrentFreak XML Permalink to this paragraph

 24. Webware.com XML Permalink to this paragraph

 25. VentureBeat XML Permalink to this paragraph

 26. The Unofficial Apple Weblog XML Permalink to this paragraph

 27. Business Week XML Permalink to this paragraph

 28. CrunchGear XML Permalink to this paragraph

 29. Business Wire Permalink to this paragraph

 30. Google Blogoscoped XML Permalink to this paragraph

 31. Techdirt XML Permalink to this paragraph

 32. Microsoft Permalink to this paragraph

 33. Bits XML Permalink to this paragraph

 34. Rough Type XML Permalink to this paragraph

 35. DailyTech XML Permalink to this paragraph

 36. Scripting News XML Permalink to this paragraph

 37. mathewingram.com/work XML Permalink to this paragraph

 38. PR Newswire Permalink to this paragraph

 39. CenterNetworks XML Permalink to this paragraph

 40. The Boy Genius Report XML Permalink to this paragraph

 41. ZDNet XML Permalink to this paragraph

 42. Guardian Permalink to this paragraph

 43. All about Microsoft XML Permalink to this paragraph

 44. PC World XML Permalink to this paragraph

 45. Wired News XML Permalink to this paragraph

 46. Inquirer XML Permalink to this paragraph

 47. AppleInsider XML Permalink to this paragraph

 48. Epicenter XML Permalink to this paragraph

 49. Tech Trader Daily XML Permalink to this paragraph

 50. Washington Post XML Permalink to this paragraph

 51. Forbes Permalink to this paragraph

 52. Bloomberg XML Permalink to this paragraph

 53. Times of London Permalink to this paragraph

 54. Apple XML Permalink to this paragraph

 55. BoomTown XML Permalink to this paragraph

 56. InformationWeek Permalink to this paragraph

 57. Publishing 2.0 XML Permalink to this paragraph

 58. Scobleizer XML Permalink to this paragraph

 59. A VC XML Permalink to this paragraph

 60. iLounge XML Permalink to this paragraph

 61. Download Squad XML Permalink to this paragraph

 62. All Facebook XML Permalink to this paragraph

 63. Financial Times Permalink to this paragraph

 64. Boston Globe XML Permalink to this paragraph

 65. Electronista XML Permalink to this paragraph

 66. Yodel Anecdotal XML Permalink to this paragraph

 67. apophenia XML Permalink to this paragraph

 68. Official Google Blog XML Permalink to this paragraph

 69. Google Public Policy Blog XML Permalink to this paragraph

 70. USA Today XML Permalink to this paragraph

 71. Compete Blog XML Permalink to this paragraph

 72. AdAge XML Permalink to this paragraph

 73. Apple 2.0 XML Permalink to this paragraph

 74. WebProNews XML Permalink to this paragraph

 75. Mashable! XML Permalink to this paragraph

 76. New York Post XML Permalink to this paragraph

 77. Googling Google XML Permalink to this paragraph

 78. iPhone Central XML Permalink to this paragraph

 79. Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog XML Permalink to this paragraph

 80. NEWS.com.au Permalink to this paragraph

 81. DigiTimes XML Permalink to this paragraph

 82. Digital Daily XML Permalink to this paragraph

 83. BuzzMachine XML Permalink to this paragraph

 84. comScore Permalink to this paragraph

 85. Security Fix XML Permalink to this paragraph

 86. CNN Permalink to this paragraph

 87. Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim XML Permalink to this paragraph

 88. NewTeeVee XML Permalink to this paragraph

 89. istartedsomething XML Permalink to this paragraph

 90. Think Secret XML Permalink to this paragraph

 91. ProBlogger Blog Tips XML Permalink to this paragraph

 92. Reflections of a Newsosaur XML Permalink to this paragraph

 93. GNUCITIZEN XML Permalink to this paragraph

 94. O'Reilly Radar XML Permalink to this paragraph

 95. MediaShift XML Permalink to this paragraph

 96. ipodminusitunes XML Permalink to this paragraph

 97. Doc Searls Weblog XML Permalink to this paragraph

 98. Kotaku XML Permalink to this paragraph

 99. Valleywag XML Permalink to this paragraph

100. Los Angeles Times XML Permalink to this paragraph

PS. This is a snapshot taken last night. The list is fairly volatile, according to Gabe, and will change quickly as stories move up and down the ladder at TechMeme. Permalink to this paragraph

PPS. The existence of this list will probably make getting stories on TechMeme even more highly valued than before, if this list is taken as gospel, as Technorati's was, even with its flaws and skews. There was no correlation, for example, between flow and rank, a site with very high flow could have very low rank on Technorati, if it didn't get many inbound pointers. It was just one measure, as TechMeme is just one measure.  Permalink to this paragraph

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Last update: 10/1/07; 7:03:17 PM Pacific. "It's even worse than it appears."

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