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Early morning twits

Friday, October 12, 2007 by Dave Winer.

Someday every story in the NYT will be blogged thoroughly before it runs. Permalink to this paragraph

Lane Hartwell loves what she do. (32) Permalink to this paragraph

If Fred Wilson feels like chopped liver, I must be liver spots. (63) Permalink to this paragraph

Okay it was overly optimistic of me to set my computer's clock to pacific time. (79) Permalink to this paragraph

Scott Beale says the next disaster will be twittered. It was. (62) Permalink to this paragraph

Mike Arrington is at his best when angry. (41) Permalink to this paragraph

NYT OPML. (10) Permalink to this paragraph

American Airlines are mother fcukers. (37) Permalink to this paragraph

Techmeme is still a spam-filled cesspool. (41) Permalink to this paragraph

After twitting and blogging about chopped liver, now i have a jones for chopped liver, at 4:06AM. Oh the humanity. (114) Permalink to this paragraph

PS: All are less than 140 chars. (32) Permalink to this paragraph

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Last update: 10/12/07; 9:20:04 PM Pacific. "It's even worse than it appears."

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