Tom Hunt's FlickrFan discoveryFriday, May 02, 2008 by Dave Winer.
Here's the problem. You're watching pics go by and you see a picture of President Bush speaking at a conference on Children and Faith-based schools and think, man, that's an interesting picture, I want to show that to a friend. So you open up the pics folder and see a lot of pics with names like pic091337.jpg, pic091338.jpg and pic091339.jpg. How do you find the one you're looking for? Well, there is a way, believe it or not... Open the screensaverpics folder and type Faith-based schools in the Spotlight box in the upper right corner of the window. 13 pictures show up. Select-All, right-click, Open in Preview. Review them and voila, there's the one I was looking for. Well, AP and AFP put metadata on their pics, and the FlickrFan process preserves it, and Spotlight can search it. Here's the Get Info box for the pic I was looking for. The red arrow points to the metadata. Tom is a smart guy, and a generous one. Thanks for passing this tip along! |
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