Democrats and civil libertiesSaturday, November 15, 2008 by Dave Winer. There were at least two things I learned from going to the DNC this year that I wouldn't have known if I hadn't gone.
2. There are a number of perennial Democratic Party issues, they will always get applause from Democratic audiences. The teachers union, for example, has always been a big voting bloc among Dems, and Democratic speakers always get a big cheer when they advocate raising the pay of teachers. A number of other topics are pretty good too, but the best consistent applause line, the one that got people on their feet every time at the DNC was the destruction of civil liberties by the Republicans in the last 8 years. I'm sure the leaders of the Democratic Party weren't in the hall for all the speeches, so I hope they don't miss this. If they don't do something to reverse the mistakes of the last 8 years, even while dealing with the economic and security issues, they will quickly lose the support of the party. NYT: Democratic Pressure on Obama to Restore the Rule of Law. CQ: Hill Democrats Wait for Obama Stance on Interrogation Standards. |
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