on listChangedProjects (whenStart, whenEnd) //Changes //1/16/21; 10:36:01 AM by DW //Created. Generates a table with the names of the most recent version //of each of the projects that were edited in the period we're looking at. //whenStart is the day we start our search, whenEnd is when we stop //searching. We go back in time, so whenStart must be more recent //than whenEnd. local (basefolder = nodeEditorSuite.getFolder () + "backups:") local (destfolder = "Marin:changedProjects:") local (when = whenStart, adrtable = @scratchpad.changedProjects) new (tabletype, adrtable) while (when > date (whenEnd)) local (subfolder = basefolder + file.getdatepath (":", when)) if file.exists (subfolder) fileloop (f in subfolder) local (fname = file.filefrompath (f)) local (projectName = string.nthField (fname, ".", 1)) if not defined (adrtable^ [projectName]) local (fdest = destfolder + fname) adrtable^ [projectName] = f file.surefilepath (fdest) file.copy (f, fdest) file.setmodified (fdest, file.modified (f)) when = date.yesterday (when) edit (adrtable) file.openfolder (destfolder) bundle //test code listChangedProjects (clock.now (), date ("12/21/2020"))