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SJ Mercury: What motivates Larry Ellison. Sun spins off SunScript. News.com: "We've made a change... by taking certain GIFs off the site, the pages should load more quickly than before. We hope you enjoy this leaner, meaner format." Right on! Andre Radke: Frontier connection with Claris Emailer. ZDNet's RealAudio broadcast of today's 'push summit' in San Diego. For some reason lots of people are sending me email with support questions. Please use one of the mailing lists for support questions. Thanks! Fat page: Scheduler Suite. Royal Software: Script Demon. The First Annual O'Reilly PERL Conference. "Dirk Johnson on WebObjects". New Frontier Site: George Tempel. Fat Pages are Our New File Format. "Mail Starting 4/30/97". "Uninstalling MSIE 4.0". DaveNet: "I Might Like You Better". AppleScript site at Apple. Backweb/Mac beta is available.
Fat page: SiteChanges Suite. Stewart Alsop has a serious problem. I had a thought the other day, that except for MSIE 3.0.1/Mac and Windows NT 4.0, I don't use any Microsoft software. Hmmm. It'd be interesting to do lunch with Stewart to compare notes. DaveNet: "Retraction & Apology". 7/9/96: "Cisco Systems". From Australia: automated FTP mirroring for the Mac.
Web Review: Usable web sites. Updated: Web Site Management Tutorial. Updated: Important Pages Directory. "New Technology for Scripting News". Fat Page: user.websites.home.
New Frontier sites: Project Newtonberg, Hmmm... General Magic will announce something tomorrow. ZDNET coverage of David Coursey's Showcase conference. Check out the Important Pages site. Charles Cooper: A fascinating story of personality in the software business. The archives of the "BBEdit-Scripting List" are now searchable.
"Mason Hale takes a second look at WebObjects".
DaveNet piece: "No Theories Needed". WebMonkey: Should you use a wizzy HTML editor? A faster, small-footprint web browser from two guys in Norway. Interesting: HDML.
"Mail Starting 4/24/97". Wesley Felter: Pointcast support for Frontier-built websites. Tim Paustian: Frontier CGI scripting tutorial. Jesse Berst has a radical viewpoint on Microsoft and Java. May 10-11 in Santa Clara: Be Developer Conference.
DaveNet: "Can Apple Survive?" "Apple's WWDC Press Release". "Dave Winer at Seybold-NY". She comes in like a lamb: Chris Nolan, Silicon Valley's new gossip columnist. Dan Gillmor: It's the software dummy.
Check out the Important Pages site. Source for the Important Pages site. HotWired: Fantastic piece about JavaScript and programming. Minor tweaks: "4.2.3a Mods".
Another fix for the bbSite Suite. John Cranfill: "New model for old-newspaper publishing". Temporary home of the Frontier-talk archives. Matt Neuburg's scripting tutorial with a new Brent Simmons look. "Dr. Dobb's and ODB Engine".
Source for the Fat Pages Site. Updated: The Fat Pages website. ZDNet: Can Apple keep the faith with desktop publishers? Making the web a safer, better place to shop... using Frontier. "BBEdit-Scripting List". DaveNet piece: "BBEdit". NetscapeWorld on Netcaster.
Question: Does anyone have a MFC/Mac implementation of menu sharing? Send mail to dwiner@well.com. Don't worry if you don't understand what this means. SF Chronicle: More Apple. SJ Mercury: Apple Apple Apple.
Frontier "4.2.3b3 Upgrade". Use "Stanford's Frontier-webmaster list" for discussion. Thanks! MacWEEK: Qualcomm is the new owner of AIMS. Interesting idea: We could implement Netcaster's push functionality with Frontier and MacBird and menu sharing. See the "Brief Report on Netcaster" for an idea of how it would work and CDF Support in Frontier for an idea of what kind of scheduling information is needed. It would also work with MSIE... I'm going to stay focused on 4.2.3, so if anyone wants to give this a try, go for it! Wired News: Netscape media partners appear tentative. "Apple Q2 Report" -- $708 million loss. "Brief Report on Netcaster". "Dave Winer at Seybold-NY". PC WEEK: Adobe won't abandon Apple. DaveNet: "Say Yes to Everyone". InfoWorld: Review of Netscape Visual JavaScript beta. Pointcast 1.0/Mac is shipping. Is it scriptable? DaveNet: "Down in DixieLand". Matt Neuburg squashes the Frontier learning curve. SJ Mercury: Ellison's vision for Apple.
A little help from Matt Neuburg. Chuck Shotton: NetEvents 1.0b7 -- it's now a faceless background app or a faceful app with menu sharing support. "Working on the Seybold News Site". Chuck Shotton's other dog, Tisi, now has her own cam! ZDNet: Netscape Netcasting. Preview: Easy web scripting for BBEdit-based developers. If you're an experienced Frontier developer, please help review and debug this new intermediate layer. It will be part of Frontier 4.2.3, to be released shortly. Thanks! InfoWorld: Ellison says Apple deal is looking more likely. Netscape's NetCaster. I searched the Netscape site looking for a spec like Microsoft's CDF but came up empty. For now it appears the only way to push content at NetCaster is with a Marimba transmitter. On the other hand, according to news.com, 15 software companies, including Freeloader, Wayfarer and Datachannel, will be providing servers that can talk to NetCaster, so it doesn't appear to be a lock-in for Marimba. I'm still looking for the spec.
Congrats to Kim Polese, one of Time Magazine's 25 most influential Americans! The wait is over. http://www.davenet.com/ now points to (you guessed right) DaveNet! PC WEEK: Netscape's answer to CDF. (Interesting timing!) http://www.paulallen.com/. "Peter N Lewis on Rhapsody". Infoworld: Server bundles on Windows. Users prefer to mix and match. Have you been to the AppleScript site lately? Frontier is everywhere... Thanks! SJ Mercury: Interviews with Mac developers re Rhapsody.
SJ Mercury: Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft. Dave Winer: "Frontier is still free". Denise Caruso: "Major life change announcement".
Wesley does it! Turn any Frontier-managed website into a CDF channel. Push media comes to Frontier. "DaveNet Stories Site". Is it "Time for a new platform?" WebMonkey's favorite HTML editor? BBEdit 4.0. Brent Simmons finishes version 1.1 of the Crawler Suite. It's now a crawling framework. Cooool. Maggy's site gets a new design. At 5AM she says "Shoot me now!" Nahhh.
"April 1997 Archives". News.com: Netscape's push strategy and Freeloader challenges Pointcast. Seattle Times: A quick courtship won over WebTV. PC World: Tips and tricks for IE 4.0. Berst Alert: Microsoft and Netscape feud holds HTML hostage. SJ Mercury: PowerComputing's new clones are faster and cheaper than Apple's.
MacWEEK: Analysts predict a $629 million loss for Apple. Netscape: download Visual JavaScript 1.0 preview. News.com: Push shakeout looms. CNNfn: Apple ponders Newton sale. Upside: Interview with Scott McNealy. WebWeek: Sun's Secret Plans For Dealing With Microsoft. "Mail Starting 4/10/97". DaveNet: "Great Walls of FUD". FUD == Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.
Frontier 4.2.3b2 upgrader. Fat Pages now work with Netscape browsers. DaveNet: "Sandboxes". Steve Silberman eulogizes Allen Ginsburg. SJ Mercury: License fee hikes threaten Apple-IBM pact.
Wesley Felter: Broken Inside. Webintosh: HTML Scripting With Frontier. MacWEEK: Ric Ford reports on developer's plans for Rhapsody. The Doug Baron Report: Moving Frontier to Windows. A Pulitzer for DaveNet? Hmmm. (I wish!) "Mail Starting 4/8/97". Fat pages are moving again: April 8, 1997 Changes.
DaveNet: "The Patent Angle". Not for attribution: "Microsoft and the WebTV Patents". Chuck Shotton: Remote Server Management with X-10. Base64 Encoder/Decoder for Mac. DaveNet: "What a Weekend!" Dr HTML is in.
Important stuff: "Mail Starting 4/6/97". "Woz on Rhapsody". Microsoft/Pointcast: Channel Definition Format spec. NY Times version of the AP report. (Password required) ZDNet: WebTV To Bring Java To Internet Appliances. DaveNet: "Microsoft to Acquire WebTV".
Andrew Himes: Biscuits & Blues & Java Bombast. DaveNet: "Bill Gates on Java". DaveNet: "Hail This!" Another news.com report says that Netscape is lowering some of the security barriers in Communicator. News.com reports on an outrageous onstage stunt by Sun's McNealy. HotWired interview with Scott McNealy. (Requires RealAudio.)
News.com: Gates says Java no Holy Grail. Steve Wozniak on "Mail Starting 4/4/97". AnchorDesk: What's wrong with Push? While you're there, check out the "Email this story to a friend" button. What a good idea! If someone would build a CGI in Frontier that does this, I'd offer the same service to DaveNet readers, with credit, of course. Make it connect directly to AIMS, if possible. Interface thru a Frontier macro. DW DaveNet: "Hail Mary!"
MacWEEK has an excellent story on the Saudi prince who's now Apple's largest shareholder, and his friendship with Larry Ellison. ContentServer 1.0, a powerful new way to manage large dynamic sites with lots of authors. The Fusion Philosophy Debate continues. Apple Technote 1095: Object Support Library Version History. NY Times: Apple Is Said to Be Seeking Friendly Deal. (Password required) "Mail Starting 4/3/97". Webintosh reviews Fat Web Pages. DaveNet: "Owning English".
Infoworld Special Report: Making sense of Java. Netscape, Sun, IBM: Java Foundation Classes. DaveNet: "Toolboxes". Fat Pages FAQ.
Barry Frankel says Web Ads are Intrusive and Wesley Felter replies. Check this out. Amazing! MacWEEK: Goodbye AppleLink. (A tear comes to my eye...) Object database that stores Java applets. Andy J Williams at Harvard is using Frontier for a class website. "MIME Encoder/Decoder Needed". Netscape Visual JavaScript: press release and A preview version for Windows will ship next week. US$495. Tom Biddulph's new Java toy. Lots of new stuff on "Mail Starting 3/31/97". Brian Ablaza: "The Philosophy of Fusion" (an important piece) and a fat page graphic. DaveNet: "Saving Software".
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