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Publicity shot of Jobs from the early 80s. Picture of Jobs and Wozniak with the motherboard of an Apple I. A biography of Steve Jobs written in 1994. Histories of the Apple II; and Apple. Bruce Horn and Jeff Raskin talk about the early days of the Macintosh. (Collected by Guy Kawasaki) Motorola announces first CHRP, runs Mac OS. Oooooh! InfoWorld: Their CHRPs are fast. Yahoo! News.com: Mac cloners kick butt and Motorola announces a Mac laptop. Right on! An unnamed cloner says dealing with Apple is "like being in bed with an 800 pound gorilla, only the gorilla has epilepsy." Cute! William Shakespeare: Julius Caesar, Act 1, Scene 2. Funny! Encryption expert revises views. Serious! News.com: Jobs rejects Apple chairman post. Typical! In an email message to Pixar employees, sent on Tuesday, Steve Jobs says that Apple offered him the CEO job. He declined. They asked him to be Chairman, and again he declined. This email doesn't leave much room for speculation. They're stuck with him! In a phone conversation with a reporter yesterday... He says excitedly "Steve Jobs has vision!" I could see it on the cover of Time or Newsweek. He says that Jobs is the leader of vision, even bigger than Bill Gates. Ohhh I groaned out loud. Here we go again! Then a great soundbyte came out of my mouth. "Vision sells newspapers not computers." Hmmmm. It's time for Apple to quiet down, fix bugs, ship great computers, study and promote the vast array of unique and deep Mac software. We need a quiet, thoughtful business person to lead the Mac community. Someone who can work with us, not blast incompatible messages at us. There's no room for a big ego now. Like Dave's? From Cameron Smith: "Just wanted to make sure you were aware that it looks like your site has been hacked; I assume the italic comments on today's notes are not yours." From Dave Winer: The italic notes are mine.
DaveNet: "Another Offer to Apple". "Mail Starting 7/30/97". 7/18/97: "Moving into the Future" was a response to a group of Mac zealots who thought they had my number. News.com wants more charisma at Apple. Fast Company and BBEdit and The Finder. (Mac only) A beautiful Frontier site: 29 Months in Exile. Apple Ireland digs Frontier. AppleScript users face a difficult migration due to changes in System 8 Finder. Frontier users have it easier because we go directly to the operating system for file and OS functions.
SF Chronicle says Jobs will be named Apple chairman. News.com: Ex-Apple CEO Amelio speaks at the Commonwealth Club. Is former IBM PC chief Jim Cannavino going to be the new CEO of Apple? The Cannavino speculation is fed by his abrupt resignation from the top spot at Perot Systems. If you run a web server: "MIME type for CDF". (All platforms) Experienced Frontier users: A new command for your web browser shared menu that does a Who Is for the site you're currently browsing. (Mac only) The Smithsonian's Air & Space website is managed with Frontier.
Red Herring interview with Vignette CEO Ross Garber. PowerAgent: Good cookies? Web interface for Hotwired's Newbot, a JIT-SE. Netscape's fact sheet for Castanet. Computerworld: Why Microsoft won't ship Sun's JCL. News.com: Microsoft IE 4.0 beta for the Mac to ship Wednesday. It can play CDF channels. Here's the CDF for Scripting News. We have tools for creating CDFs for Frontier webmasters. Infoseek's approach to distributed searching. Minneapolis Star-Tribune: If Apple fails we'll all pay a high price. MacWorld: Rumors say Jobs will be new Apple chairman.
"Mail Starting 7/27/97". Dan Gillmor tries to reason with zealotry in the SJ Merc.
DaveNet: "JIT-SEs". You are invited to subscribe to DaveNet via email. script. Download the Frontier suite from the fat pages site.
Weekend reading for gutsy programmers... Our object database library is cross-platform (Win32 and Mac), fast, useful, compatible with Frontier, and it's free. Let's have fun! Want a sneak peak at how UCMDs will work on Windows? DLLs. An important milestone for the Win32 version of Frontier. Microsoft's response to ABM -- NOISE. Netscape, Oracle, IBM, Sun, and Everyone else. DaveNet: "Steve Wozniak and the Garage". (Also discusses the Netscape-Marimba deal.) Mike McCue, a lead developer at Netscape: "For the record, we are working very hard to make the Marimba protocol an open standard asap. It will usually be the case with fringe features that they are initially non-standard. Then over time the open standards circle will widen to encompasses these features." Henry Norr seeks peace with MacZealots and Cliff Colby has mixed feelings about Mac OS 8 and (for the most part) Don Crabb takes off the gloves and stops apologizing for past Apple management, all in this week's MacWEEK. DaveNet: "A Helpful Tip" for reporters, flamed by zealots. "Mail Starting 7/25/97". Bloomberg report on the Marimba-Netscape deal. Upside interview with Larry Ellison. News.com: Apple board member resigns as CalPERS takes a closer look at Apple. which we are already exploring. NewsTracker and other "just in time" search engines could use our siteChanges file to keep up with changes on Scripting News on a daily basis. We could rebuild the file every hour or every ten minutes. Anyone want to work with us on this? Excite? Yahoo? Netscape? Microsoft? dave@scripting.com.
Steve Wozniak responds to a DaveNet piece, earlier this week. "Mail Starting 7/24/97". Apple's InternetWorld News Site, live from Chicago. We did the first one in LA in March. Interesting! What is Alexa? (Wired has a story.) and Marimba in a distribution deal. InfoWorld and stories miss an interesting angle. Netscape is now selling a server that's not based on an open standard. Early Netscape hype, in 1995 and 1996, said that the company and the software would be built on open standards. from Oct 96 was the only one I could find on the Netscape site that talked about open standards. Has there been a change in religion at Netscape? Not necessarily good or bad, but let's check it out. Why should you care? An example -- if you wanted to serve a channel from a database that Marimba doesn't support, you might be able to. The problem with the "Anyone But Microsoft" approach is that it excludes lots of other software developers too.
Wired News: Another round in the ABM-Java battle. (ABM stands for "Anyone But Microsoft") William Safire in the NY Times: "Media power pressured and paid government officials to protect and extend media monopolies. Journalists must ask ourselves: Where were we during this abuse of power?" Tomorrow 5:15 - 8:00PM in SF, The Commonwealth Club with leading industry experts. 595 Market Street at Second. Call 415-597-6705 for reservations. CC site. DaveNet: "Trellix". Wired News: Guy Kawasaki and his band of email enforcers. Did you want to know more about buttcracks? MacWorld's Adrian Mello, proposes a new board for Apple with John Warnock, Bud Colligan, Joel Kocher, Jim Barksdale, Heidi Roizen, Eric Schmidt, Steve Jobs, Larry Zulch, Greg Galanos, Andy Grove and Bill Gates. Add to the list: Steve Wozniak, Chuck Shotton, Bill Campbell, John Doerr, Ellen Hancock... others? News.com: Mac OS 8 ships, still no deal with clone vendors. BYTE: 20 software products that changed the world. Did you know that James Gosling, the lead developer of Java, did a simple Visicalc-like spreadsheet called vc? NetObjects gallery of Fusion-managed sites. Call 1-800-672-2754 (US only) or check the Oscar Meyer website. Better yet: does your browser play .wav files? Philippe Kahn on information devices. Marc Canter responds to Philippe. "Marc Canter Braindumps on Chat". More new ideas on "Mail Starting 7/22/97".
DaveNet: "Challenging HTML". "Mail Starting 7/22/97". Mark Pesce on ZDNet: The importance of being Macintosh. Coooool! Internet Anagram Server. Pointcast and Macromedia sittin' in a tree. "Special Page for NewsTracker". Susan Kare, user interface designer. Susan helped with the 24 Hours of Democracy project in February 1996. Wired News: Trellix challenges HTML. Bravo! MacInTouch: Mac OS 8 special report. "Mac OS 8 represents the biggest change in the Mac operating system for years, but it is an evolutionary change, and migration is straightforward for supported hardware (PowerPC- and 68040-based Macs)." TidBITS explains Frontier as a Mac web development tool. Frontier website scripting for BBEdit users. Using Frontier with the Alpha text editor.
DaveNet: "Carl and the Two Guys". WebMonkey's Jeff Veen reviews MSIE 4.0 beta. News.com says that the Microsoft browser is a risky proposition. MacWEEK overview of OS 8. BusinessWeek: Is Apple mincemeat? Trellix: I just got a press release on this product. It sounds like a web-based outliner for Windows. Should be interesting! I'm meeting with Dan Bricklin tomorrow to get a demo. Dan and I used to work together at VisiCorp. Stay tuned... Red Herring interview with Bricklin. NewsTracker query for Trellix. SJ Mercury: A critical resource problem for the net. ARDI Executor: Runs Mac programs on DOS, Linux or NextStep. PC WEEK: Microsoft to invest in Progressive. Past DaveNets: "We could dance again!" (1/26/96), "Canary in a Coalmine" (2/12/97), "The OpenDoc Lesson" (3/17/97). NY Times article about the Creative Good site, which is managed with Frontier. "Mail Starting 7/21/97".
Mike Crawford: "Programming and Madness". SJ Mercury: Java -- fact or fable? Henry Norr in MacWEEK: Compatibility of Mac utilities and OS 8.
DaveNet: "Healing". Dave Winer: "Moving into the Future". Version 2.0: "Response to Mackido". News.com readers prefer Ellen Hancock as the new CEO of Apple. I think she'd be a great choice! She's down to earth, respectful, listens well, has a deep understanding of technology, and fits the bill as I outlined it in "Choices" (7/15/97). Craig Cline on the Mars website: "It's Almost as Good as Sex". My space piece: "Do you have a head?" (5/5/97) The search for extraterrestrial intelligence -- sounds like fun! Guy Kawasaki in Forbes: Journalism in the Internet age. Right on! Infoworld: Netscape Netcaster Beta 3. PC WEEK: Microsoft profit grew 86% in the last year, revenue up 41%. Its share price more than doubled. SJ Mercury on yesterday's DNS outage. Webmonkey's Lawrence Sanchez on VBScript. "Mail Starting 7/18/97".
Everyone who believes that the Macintosh is a holy cause should read this essay by James Curry, a sociologist who studies the software industry. It's time to heal this wound. Macintosh is a computer, a good one, with lots of very creative users. That's all it is. Thanks! A wonderful elevator prank from panicboy@ix.netcom.com: "A friend and I used to get on at different floors; when we were both on, one of us would say, 'Anyone want to trade shirts?' Then we'd exchange shirts and watch the reactions." Now that's funny! DaveNet: "Attacks", "DNS Failure". "Mail Starting 7/17/97". 5/7/97: "Programmers". Eva Way Konigsberg on Sex and Power. There was a serious "DNS Outage" this morning affecting the entire Internet. We felt it here, many of today's DaveNet emails bounced. It's very frustrating and it's going to take a fair amount of work to fix the problem. And this is just one tiny corner of the Internet. Does this product evoke your fear? (There will be many like it.) Simson L. Garfinkel on HotWired: Electronic Border-Control. PC WEEK: Report on the DNS outage. SJ Mercury: Apple slows flow of red ink. Marimba: Castanet 1.1. c't review of Frontier, translated to English. Rik Myslewski's Chimpanzees piece on the MacUser website. From dances_with_pixels@yes.net: "Bored? Try drilling a hole in your forehead."
John Perry Barlow in Nerve Mag: A Lady's Man and Shameless. (18 and over, please.) Dan Shafer on c|net: Persistent storage for browsers. ZDNet: MSIE 4.0b2 download page. (Windows only) SJ Mercury: Apple reports $56 million quarterly loss. "Jean-Louis Likes Apple So Much..." John Perry Barlow: "60 Fun Things to Do in an Elevator".
DaveNet: "Choices". "Mail Starting 7/15/97". SF Chronicle: Is Microsoft playing fair in Windows browser market? News.com: Bill Gates net worth -- $36.4 billion. Joe Gillespie on the High Five site:
Denise Caruso's column in today's NY Times points to this page, but the column they're referring to is here. Nombas: ScriptEase Integration SDK. USA Today: Man shoots computer. "We don't know if it wouldn't boot up or what," Police Sgt. Keith Moon said Thursday. Henry Norr in MacWEEK: New research says Macs more productive in media-producing industries.
"Mail Starting 7/13/97". SJ Mercury: John Sculley's plan to save Apple. A trip down memory lane... HyperCard Heaven. Boston Globe: New Mac System May Be Too Little Too Late.
DaveNet: "A Microsoft/Apple Partnership?" More interesting Apple stuff on "Mail Starting 7/11/97". After we're finished wringing our hands over Apple, let's get busy with Everyone, have a grrreat weekend! If you're looking for some reading material, check out The Best of DaveNet (it's a little out of date) and Matt Neuburg's Web Scripting Tutorial. See ya's on Monday!
DaveNet: "Two Crazy Days". Jodi Mardesich of the SJ Mercury interviews former Apple CEO Gil Amelio and Dawn Yoshitake of News.com interviews Apple board member Edgar Woolard. Dave Winer: "Crashes and Caches". Oooops! A browser crash for mmcavoy@ix.netcom.com while he was reading about Crashes and Caches! You can download MacsBug thru www.download.com. Astrobyte: BeyondPress 3.0. Upside's discussion board on the changes at Apple. David Coursey: Apple After Amelio. Rafe Coburn responds to yesterday's "The Sure Road to Bankruptcy". is picking up 38 matches, 23 of which are articles about the resignation. The NewsTracker folks say they index the sites every four hours, but it appears to happen more slowly. Even so, it's a uniquely valuable service for people who want to follow stories as they appear on the web. "Mail Starting 7/10/97". SJ Merc: Jobs is calling the shots at Apple. Andy Ihnatko on Macsbug. 2/20/97: "Being Kind to the Mac". How Mark Guzdial of Georgia Tech uses Frontier. This fat page contains a new startup script that UCMD writers can use to make sure that their UCMDs are refreshed with virgin code at each startup.
Apple: Amelio Resigns. DaveNets: "The Sure Road to Bankruptcy", "Amelio Resigns", "Mid-Afternoon Corrections". "Mail Starting 7/9/97". SJ Mercury-News: Amelio Resigns. Other reports: InfoWorld, Excite Newstracker query for "Amelio". As of 3:38:01 PM it's only coming up with stories from last week. Red Herring: An open letter to Gil Amelio. Joshua Kempner, jkempner@physics.oberlin.edu, asks: "Are you still going to update Frontier for MacOS (not Rhapsody) or will it be strictly Windows in the future? There are lots of us out here with a strong investment in the MacOS but no plans to switch to Rhapsody. We'd hate to be shut out of the Frontier loop." Answer: Frontier 5, the next release, will be cross-platform, for Mac OS and Windows. In fact, the Mac version will be more complete for quite some time. This suite remembers what files you need to upload and uploads them for you. providing an opportunity for me to explain how Frontier code extensions will work in the Win32 enviroment. Transcript of Can Apple Survive? panel at Seybold in New York in April. 4/21/97: "Can Apple Survive?"
In preparation for Frontier 5, a survey question about UCMDs. Major revision: Matt Neuburg's Web Scripting Tutorial. He says: "Many errors corrected and explanations improved; lots of new tricks and tips; expanded discussions of macros and renderer writing; and an entire new chapter which traces the whole process of rendering a page from start to finish. Intended to be the court of first resort for those learning Frontier for its Web site management capabilities." Microsoft: Windows Host Scripting. In the 80s dot-head format was how we exchanged info among Living Videotext's outliners. You could, for example, render a Ready outline as a graphic MORE tree chart. As we approach the first alpha release of Frontier 5.0, we make it possible for Frontier's outliner to be a Ready-like outliner for Mac and PC users. Of course, being part of Frontier, it's scriptable. The first step is to make it possible for Frontier to read dot-head files. You'll find the code and more info on Jon Stevens has a 1-2-3 Functions Outline in a web page. What a long and winding road! New version of Visual JavaScript from Netscape. From MacroMedia, 5 Flash 2 sites: 5. outline-based script and menu editor. Frontier's outliner is scriptable and has "Ashton-Tate's Framework", 5/17/97. Great essay! Against Software Determinism.
DaveNet: "The Ken Olson Question". PC WEEK: "JFCs will never ship as part of any Microsoft product," group product manager at Microsoft. North Bay Multimedia Association. Marimba: Bongo 1.0 for the Mac (alpha version). Question: Can Bongo work with Frontier? InfoWorld: Year 2000 problems coming for Netscape and Microsoft browsers.
"Jacob Levy Responds to Doc". "Mail Starting 7/6/97". HotWired's new mission statement.
"Doc Searls on Bill Gates". CNN: Pathfinder on Mars, 10:07AM Pacific. SJ Mercury: Santa Cruz Beach Roundup. We'll resume our normal Scripting News schedule on Monday.
DaveNet: "Bill Gates's Money". Microsoft response to earlier pieces: "Microsoft on Microsoft Money". a satellite network co-owned by Bill Gates and Craig McCaw. the nearest solar system, could have terrestrial planets and intelligent life. News.com: IdeaMarket is rewriting their business plan, narrowing the focus to for-money information about computers and software. Peter Lewis, formerly of the NY TImes, resigns. See "Jim Seymour on IdeaMarket", 2/27/97, for an earlier perspective. Life at Netscape in the early days. The Second Crack-A-Mac Challenge. "Mail Starting 7/3/97". A new language called REBOL. InfoWorld: John Doerr and Jim Barksdale form an organization of the CEOs of large and famous Silicon Valley companies. The organization will attempt to "firm up working relationships" with Washington political leaders.
"You all think I'm licked. Well, I'm not licked, and I'm going to stay right here and fight for this lost cause even if this room gets filled with lies like these, and the Taylors and all their armies come marching into this place." The Jimmy Stewart Museum statement. DaveNet: "Microsoft's Money" and "Jimmy Stewart". Excite's news-collecting robot: NewsTracker. It works! List of websites indexed daily by NewsTracker. Original piece about jit-se's: "Floating Ideas", 9/7/96. USA Today: Microsoft, CBS deny takeover report. CNN: Scientists giddy as Pathfinder nears Mars. Mag Editors Impose Editorial-Ad Rules. Ivo Spigel: "Report from Croatia". Netscape's No Hair Club For Men.
DaveNet: "Lost in ActiveX". Chuck Shotton: "Link Piracy and Java". "Mail Starting 7/1/97". Stanford Protocol Proposal for Internet Search and Retrieval . This page may change your mind. This page might change your mind. I spent an hour or so playing with the new HotWired 4.0 website. I was using a 3.0 browser, and suspect I'm not getting the full effect. I looked for a page explaining where they're going, but couldn't find one. They're having a party tonight in SF, I'll ask some more questions then. MC News: How Sun is Marketing.
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