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DaveNet: "Ideas for Privacy". "Chuck Shotton Summarizes" tonight's DaveNet Live at Moscone. Simson Garfinkel's Pretty Good Privacy, published by O'Reilly Associates. New ad photography from Apple. Notes from a beer-and-food event with Steve Jobs. Wired News: Could Bill Gates Really Be a Hero? A request to stop the responses to the PS to today's DaveNet. We got to the bottom of it. You can cache passphrases, there's a timeout (clever!), and using Eudora stationery I can sign each piece. So with any luck, every emailed DaveNet will be signed from now on. Thanks! "Mail Starting 9/30/97". Bernie DeKoven: "New Year Offerings". Todd Lappin: "Big Brother Goes Digital". Preston Holmes: Comparing AppleScript to UserTalk. DaveNet Live: 7:30PM tonight in San Francisco.
News.com: MSIE 4.0/Win ships today. InfoWorld: Netscape's Aurora challenges Microsoft's Active Desktop. Garrison Boyd urges you to avoid Amstel beer. Correct and acceptable sensory sounds and images! Microsoft FAQ on scriptlets.
DaveNet: "Bill Gates on Privacy". MacWEEK: Monday Seybold Keynotes. Check out John Gage's comments about scripting and its role re Java. MacWEEK: Freehand users can produce Flash content. No big surprise here, MacroMedia owns Freehand. I wish they would open the file format for Flash. "Susan A. Kitchens On Clinton and Privacy". "Denise Caruso on Bill Gates (on Privacy)". "Mail Starting 9/29/97". Reuters: Marimba raises $14.5 million. Cameron Barrett's math puzzle. NetObjects Team Fusion claims to be "the first Web site building solution to recognize -- and capitalize on -- the roles different people play in developing large and complex business Web sites." Hmmm. The NetObjects people have gotten demos of Frontier, from me personally. Their claim is BS. 5/15/96: "Watch This!" explains the website framework we had built in Frontier 4. Even though Clay Basket had many of these features, and was available well before Frontier 4, it seems conservative to claim that we had the features NetObjects is boasting about well over a year ago. We didn't stop there, of course. That's what "still diggin!" means. Cooool! According to ZDNet, Gateway is going to make Amiga machines. How do I remove a key from the keyserver? Help! I didn't know what I was doing and I created two IDs, one for each of two email addresses. I did this before I knew that I could associate two mail addresses with one key. I don't understand this FAQ. Is there a simple way to get rid of the extra key? Chuck Shotton wrote a utility app that converts a Eudora mailbox into a format that can be imported by FileMaker. Former Apple ad exec Michael Markman comments on the ad. Got Quicktime? Apple posted their TV ad to their website. "Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes, the ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things, they push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do." A higher quality and smaller version of the ad, thanks to a Scripting News reader. ABC News: Java's Real Agenda. 6/30/95: "Java is a Brand".
"Steve Jobs on Brands". I wish I had thought of this sooner... It would be great if someone recorded the Apple commercial and produced a QuickTime movie of it. The commercial is on Toy Story, in the first 20 minutes, tonight at 7PM on ABC. It's 7PM Eastern right now. "Geeks Rule the World" narrates a great Apple TV ad from 1995. "A man giving a presentation to 300 people. Sorry. I just installed a new OS. It isn't working. Someone shouts try config.sys! Someone else says autoexec.bat! A few more taunts. A tired voice, clearly disgusted says Get a Mac." October 7 is the three-year anniversary of DaveNet. I'm going to do a special piece for that day. Suggestions? Ducking! CyberTimes discussion on encryption. combines real-time groupware technologies such as shared whiteboards, chat rooms, and customizable groupware applets with a persistent work environment. Trouble downloading the 5.0a1 upgrader? Frontier 5: The storyList macro generates an HTML table listing all the stories in a given table. Frontier 5: A new version of the standard pageHeader macro that's smarter about the "generator" meta tag. Frontier 5: Lists, regex, wptext, Clay, pictures.
Milestone. Frontier 5.0a1 upgrader is released. Mac only. New service: The Frontier-Work list. New service: Bug reporting database. Nice! Here's a random bugbase query. "Mail Starting 9/27/97". Thanks for your interest in Frontier 5! From the Digital Storytelling Festival: Jim Leeke built a great website of lost family pictures and stories from ancient America. SF Chronicle: Giants clinch the NL West. A Scripting News graphic from Cameron Barrett.
I got an email from Bill Gates yesterday. If you're outside the US you can download the source code for PGP from a site in Norway. Somehow PGP leaked outside the US via the Internet. Wired News: Are You Sure 40-Bit Encryption Is Enough for You?. "Mail Starting 9/26/97". Yes, it's true, there are still people who use System 6. InfoWorld: Scan down to the middle of this piece for some interesting quotes from Woz. PC WEEK: Sun's NC running Java OS is under pressure from Microsoft's Hydra. A three-line script that Brent will run later today or tomorrow. StarNine: ListStar 1.2. TechWeb: Canadian Supreme Court Justice speaks on privacy. I got the PGP package for Eudora from MIT. Here's the public key for dwiner@well.com. News.com: Apple narrows CEO search, finalizes NC product plan. Of the four people mentioned, two of them have a personal page. If you can find others, please send me a pointer. Let's come up with a standard format for an executive web resume? This should be easy by now. It's late 1997! Email programs that support encryption: Outlook Express in Win98, Outlook 97 for Windows 95. The standard email program supplied with Win95 (Windows Messaging) does not have encryption. AppleTalk tunneling from Digital Forest. It's one-point-oh! Another puzzle that's not so difficult: During the Cold War, a Russian plane crashes at the border of Poland and Germany. Where will the survivors be buried? Salon: An ex-Microsoft contractor moves to Iowa.
Using 5.0 to manage Scripting News. We're going to look at privacy more closely. Seybold is next week. Expect the first public release of 5.0a1/Mac in the next couple of days. The odb outliner is totally one-point-oh! Veteran Mac software developers are working for Microsoft . Pretty Good Privacy: Encryption Primer. It's pretty good! MSNBC: House panel rejects encryption bill. News.com and have reports on yesterday's Rhapsody demo at Apple. From a German Scripting News reader: Anybody ever mentioned to you that "Don's Amazing Puzzle" is NOT working for non or bad English speakers? You have to be very fluent in English to fall for it! James Jewell remembers the last dramatic Seybold keynote in 1989. Cary Lu is remembered on tidbits.com. PowerAgent, founded by my friend Dave Carlick, was unable to obtain financing and is shutting down. www.poweragent.com appears to be off the air. Advertising Age: Women want relationships from websites. Hmmm. This is the same things men want, IMHO. Chris Nolan is building relationships with Silicon Valley readers, but writes about men, in today's SJ Merc. Is she writing for men or women? I wonder. The relationship with the millenniumCounter script continues. 2000 is a leap year. At least I'm learning how to spell millennium! Surf the web, on a floppy, with QNX. What animal would you be if you could be an animal? One more time: "Things we can learn from dogs".
DaveNet: "Winning At Seybold". "Mail Starting 9/24/97". Got Acrobat? The OMG is looking for a proposal for CORBA Scripting. Mars Global Navigator update. All is well, orbiting and braking. Developer.com: Microsoft pulls plug on ActiveX. From MacInTouch comes news that Cary Lu has died. He was a widely respected member of the Macintosh community, having written one of the earliest books about the Mac. He was thorough and passionate and was a clear thinker. What a sad event! Get a demo of Rhapsody at tonight's BANG meeting in Cupertino. ObjectSpace Voyager -- a ORB database written in Java. Carl Steadman wrote a suicide note, but his agent couldn't sell it, and then he couldn't write it. Jakob Nielsen's AlertBox column continues in excellence.
Welcome to WebSTAR Day on Scripting News! If Apple hadn't killed the clones, we'd be singing a different tune right now... Apple-sponsored study shows Mac OS web servers: They compared Macs to servers running on Unix, NT, Windows 95. BTW, Apple used WebSTAR in this comparison, not Apache. Check out this SF Chronicle news story. The Apple/Oracle net computer strategy starts to roll out. Rhapsody is the server OS, Mac OS for the clients. Trevor Bauknight perfectly presents the Unix view of the Mac web server market. This page should give you a feel for the depth, diversity and standardization in the Mac Internet software market. As a Mac OS server manager, to use the new stuff that Apple is starting to hype, you're going to have to walk away from your infrastructure. See "Don's Amazing Puzzle", once again, for a clue on how to parse this situation. How many F's do you see? Plug-ins, add-ons, databases, native PowerPC scripting, lots of users and deployed apps. Every day, lots of new Mac sites. None of these systems run Rhapsody. Oooops. New fat page: Flushing WebSTAR's Cache. News.com: Dataquest report says "We do not believe Apple will survive its next downturn, which will presage the company spiraling into insignificance as it loses any advantage of scale." Other Stufffff Robert Woodhead wrote an HTML pretty-printer using WebSiphon. News.com: Study finds that demand for NetPC's is underwhelming. Fix for the millenniumCounter script. 2000 is not a leap year. Oooops! 2000 *is* a leap year. I'll re-fix the milleniumCounter script tomorrow. "Things we can learn from dogs". WML is a Unix scripted-website framework. Wired News: Barksdale envisions free hardware. Salamander Paddle Gear is a Frontier website. Newlyweds Sheila and Brent Simmons share their favorite books. Unitarian Universalist Church child dedication service. Two new Australian Frontier sites: #1 and #2.
DaveNet: "A Gorgeous Butte!" "Mail Starting 9/22/97". Tim Rueger has a LEGO site and (get this!) it's a Frontier site too! Totally one-point-oh! CM Central is a Frontier site. Test your browser with the LLNL viewer test page. News.com: Rockwell announces a Java chip for embedded systems. People using Frontier on a new "fast" Mac, need the 9600 fix. LEGO tools for Unix. Dave Polaschek's Frontier-based website. CNN: IBM revolutionizes chip design. An open letter from Rick Ross of the Java Lobby to Microsoft's Bill Gates. Great site! Moab Police Blotter. PC WEEK: Sun exec calls Microsoft's Java letter a 'publicity stunt'. Are you one of the millions of children who love LEGO products? An app modeled after virtual Lego in Microserfs: Gryphon Bricks. MSNBC: Women will change Internet culture. This was the hot product in Crested Butte this year. Reuters: Embalmers To Preserve Kim For Posterity. Biography.com: Vladimir Ilich Lenin. Crested Butte's community website. A Microserfs-like DaveNet piece from 1996. Niehaus-Ryan is Apple's new PR firm. A new fat page... workspace.millenniumCounter. I guess this is the next book I'll read.
Have you read Microserfs by Douglas Coupland? Best part -- a new application for Lenin. It's totally one-point-oh. Lots of new ideas. Ye-hi! It's not just about Microsoft.
DaveNet: "I Do". "Mail Starting 9/17/97". Microsoft FAQ on Java. Jesse Berst blames Apple and IBM for the delay in Windows 98. Apple VP-Marketing, Guerrino De Luca, resigns. Scripting News will resume publication on 9/22/97.
Special Evening Edition Microsoft's Cornelius Willis has confirmed for DaveNet Live at Seybold, "Sept 30 in SF". Mark your calendars! From Tom Campbell at Microsoft: The bottom of your 9/15/97 posting said 'Now, more than ever, I want vector graphics in the web browser.' IE4 now has a sensational component called the Structured Graphics control with an extremely rich set of graphics primitives, allowing you to create way dynamic graphics with rotating text, filters, transitions, dissolves, etc., at a very low cost in download time. The most complex pages I've seen were only 2 or 4K. Jean-Louis Gassˇe wants to build running on CHRP hardware and the BeOS. I bet PhotoShop users would dig this! SJ Merc on WebTV Plus. Three gigabytes of content delivered overnight via television broadcast signals. Stunning! Check it out -- Marc Canter likes WebTV Plus. The RIPView Plug-In does vector graphics like "Lineto Moveto". Earlier News DaveNet: "Judgment". "Mail Starting 9/16/97". Apologies to subscribers to the davenetworld mailing list. Our list server is having problems. You're not the only one. Some software went crazy. We're working on it. MicroCenter is selling a PC w/o monitor for $499. News.com: Vignette StoryServer 3. I'm glad Ric Ford watches Yahoo. WebMonkey interviews Mark Hurst, who runs the Creative Good site, managed with Frontier. MacWorld: Web publishing made easy. Adam Engst in today's TidBITS: "The only public information from Apple has been a telephone conversation Jobs had with Ric Ford of MacInTouch." Hey Adam -- use the web! I interviewed Jobs on Sept 3. Want more clues? See Doc Searls's analysis. And then read what Steve Wozniak said about Steve Jobs's vision (it wasn't negative). Another clue, from the archives of DaveNet. In April, I wrote:
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