UserLand's XML plan has been revised, focusing on RPC over HTTP via XML as our vendor-independent, cross-platform, interapplication communication protocol. Frontier 5.0.1 for Mac and Windows. Fixes & tweaks. Thea's Galleria has a hot site today. Don't miss it! A new sample site for Frontier 5 newbies. Steve Wozniak, John Perry Barlow on Mail Starting 3/2/98. Slate: Bill Gates's Diary. News.com: Borland goes CORBA. Will they hook it up to XML? Jeff Veen on WebMonkey: Netscape bares all! Upside: Nine minutes with God. News.com: UMAX and Steve Jobs. NY Times: The Story of Spyglass. Washington Post: Teens with tech talent rise to top. NY Times: Now Hiring! If you're young.
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