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DaveNet: Schwwwing! James Allen Spahr has figured out how to script Adobe ImageReady from Frontier. This is a major major milestone! Code Co-Op: Distributed version control for Windows. InfoWorld interviews Jakob Nielsen. Apple plays legal hardball with MacInTouch. Wired: Quark gets in the XML loop. NY Times: McGwire hits 54th after Sosa blasts 52nd.
DaveNet: All About Bees. "Dave Winer, perhaps the Internet's most beloved programmer, can't stop talking about XML." True! I'll be on vacation Friday thru 9/4/98. Variety: Pirates of Silicon Valley. Richard Tobin's XML syntax checker. News.com: Adobe seeks silver lining. News.com: Geocities updates watermarks. MacWEEK: iMac modem sparks debate. MIOW stands for Mosaic In One Week. MSNBC: 1/3 of US Adults on Internet. Women over 50 among fastest-growing group online. 11/2/95: New Cave Needs Curtain. Wired: Children are the reason adults are going online. http://www.missyplicity.com/ SJ Merc: Programmer on hot seat for posting encryption software. Stacy and Steve Zellers have a baby!
NY Times: Struggling Adobe Rejects Bid by Quark. Red Herring: Microsoft planned to sabotage competitors. Geekapalooza 1.0, tomorrow in SF. Bay Area Frontier User's Group meeting in SF, same time! Philippe Martin: suites.history. Tips from six HotWired designers. suites.siteChanges is updated for Frontier 5.1.3. We changed the name of the XML Validator to Neither parser is a validating parser. NY Times: US to buy picture-perfect slice of the west. SJ Merc: The virtual CEO. Wired says soon you'll be able to send and receive email anywhere in the world. Press release: Inso Dynabase 3.0. Inso white paper on XML.
Thea, ever the world traveler, visits Digito, Portugal's leading tech news site, with more than 100K page views per month. New Media reviews team tools for website management, including See the section on the future of team tools, we agree, XML is central to coordinating work between different products. The XML Syntax Checker bifurcates. It can now run the XML text thru the built-in Frontier 5.1.3 parser, or thru the blox parser, built on expat. An interesting experiment. that worked. News.com: Application server confusion reigns. Leonard Rosenthol, an architect at Adobe, posted an interesting question about XML-RPC over the weekend. Updated, with a possible solution, a small HTTP daemon that distributes control to all the apps that support XML-RPC on a given machine. BAFUG meeting Wed night in SF. David Carter-Tod: monthTable outline renderer. Recent Microsoft XML-related announcements. Jakob Nielsen: The End of Legacy Media. AbiWord is an XML-based open source word processor. We're now running Frontier 5.1.3 on www.scripting.com. Press release: Dell ships 450mhz soho systems. InfoWorld: Sun, ObjectSpace make Jini plans. Tomodachi Village is a Frontier site. William Shakespeare: Hamlet. In XML.
DaveNet: 5.1.3. Frontier 5.1.3 is released. Mac and Windows versions. Major fixes in the XML-Database feature, DLL support; huge tables, outlines and lists. Technology Solutions: Blox 1.0b11 gets a new parser, completely redesigned to incorporate the "expat" engine, written by James Clark, the same parser being used for XML support in Netscape 5 and Perl. Test your XML, see if Frontier 5.1.3 can parse it! Fat Pages: suites.xmlMenu requires 5.1.3. 5.1.3's trial version expires on 1/1/99. We looked for XML files on the net and ran them thru the 5.1.3 parser. Reuters: US strikes terrorist bases in Afghanistan, Sudan. MacInTouch is pointing to the Frontier security issue. It's important to circle the wagons when a hole is closed. Project Cool: XML Tutorial. NeoTrace: Traceroute program for Windows. Chris Nolan gets the story on Garry Trudeau's project. A new soap on Fox, set in Seattle, about politics in the software industry. Melrose Place meets SillllyClone Valley. It's called Killer App. From a random source, the real Clinton speech. Variety: Big audience for Clinton speech. Ronald Reagan, 3/2/77: "Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." Scripting News will not be updated tomorrow thru Sunday.
DaveNet: Security Hole in Frontier. Eric Soroos posts a security fix for his mail server running in Frontier. MacWEEK discovers a hidden slot on the iMac. No kidding! InfoWorld: McNealy outlines new role for ISPs. John Cowan: RDF Made Easy. NY Times: Excerpts from newspaper editorials. NY Times: Proctor & Gamble hosts Internet summit. Are any readers going to be there? SJ Merc: Websites that wimp. Scripting News will not be updated on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
DaveNet: Truth Decay. Important security advisory for Frontier webmasters. A hole in webserver.parseArgs is closed. An essential update for all Frontier systems running CGIs. NY Times editorial: Bill Clinton Speaks, a Little. "What we will know in time, of course, is whether he has so falsified his conversation with the American people that he could not, even in the hour of his greatest peril and through the simple agency of truth, position himself to receive their forgiveness." SJ Merc editorial: The president's sorry apology. InfoWorld: PerLDAP from Netscape. MacCentral: DreamWeaver, Cold Fusion to integrate. Press release: Macromedia, Think New Ideas team up. Simpson's episode data in XML. that returns files that point to files whose names end with xml. A rich source of files to test against! (Lots of poorly formed XML out there...) Thanks to Andrew Duncan of webwerks. Truth Decay is also the name of an album by T-Bone Burnett. http://clubs.yahoo.com/ and http://calendar.yahoo.com/. Approx 500 days before 12/31/99.
DaveNet: State of the Net Survey on XML. From Scott Lawton, a very smart question: How can I get one of the popular search engines to show me all the files whose URLs end with ".xml"? That would give us some interesting data! How to to give Frontier a sexy outline-based server log. rE-minders: An email-based reminder system. Runs on Linux/Apache, using Nicely done! NY Times: Clinton to address the nation at 7PM Pacific. CNN is doing something interesting. On this page, they offer to send you an email when Clinton gets ready to go on the air with his report on his grand jury testimony. Tim Bray: XML for News Services. Macromedia goes server-side. scifi.com: Douglas Adams goes interactive. CRN compares client-side Java vs DHTML/XML. Standard: PlanetAll keeps the masses organized.
Computer Currents: Portals portals portals. MacWorld reviews iMac. Watch the Script Meridian home page for news from the Frontier developer community.
NY Times: Glamor in NY's web community? "'There are two Silicon Alleys -- the one where people go to the parties and the one where people actually do the work,' said Kyle Shannon, who founded the advertising shop Agency.com." Not surprising! Seattle Times interviews Microsoft's Bill Gates and Brad Silverberg. "We considered Netscape Navigator the killer app for Windows 95." Surprising! UPI: Ideal woman cooks, works, likes sex. Not surprising!
I'm trawling for XML apps today! CNET reviews iMac. If you're lucky, you'll spot Wes Felter on his new T1 line with its own cam. Dr Weil asks: Is Clinton addicted to sex? Dan Gillmor: The truth is the first casualty. NY Times: Big web sites to pool info about users.
for the Frontier 5 website. It shows all the searches in the last 24 hours, and how many hits there were. We watch this page, when someone searches for something reasonable and turns up 0 hits, we know we have docwriting to do. Philippe Martin: Restarter suite. Computer Shopper: Spreading the load on your web server. Wired: Demand soars for see-thru camera. Advertising Age: Jobs orchestrates blitz for iMac. MacWorld reviews web servers.
DaveNet: food.find (clock.now ()). Tim Berners-Lee: Realizing the Full Potential of the Web. Amazon: Twenty-Five Years of Doonesbury. News.com: Allaire files for IPO. Dan Shafer on DaveNet. Brian Kelly is logging his dreams on his website. ABC News: America's married women rate artists the best lovers. "The ideal man in bed would have the creativity and craftsmanship of an artist, the dexterity of a mechanic, the interpersonal skills of a manager and perhaps the frequency of a salesman." The DaveNet website now has its own search command. It's an all-Frontier solution. The content is stored in the object database and so is the index. ZDNet: Salvaging the Commodore 64. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) FAQ. Apple: iMac to ship tomorrow. MacWEEK: The selling of the iMac. WebReview: The Yahoo Look. WebReview: Bottom-up Architecture. InfoWorld: Microsoft, Java Beans and COM.
builds presentation websites edited and organized in Frontier's outliner. We're starting to ship new suites again, this time less shooting from the hip, more polish, more aim, better docs, deeper functionality. InternetWorld: Developers of the web, unite! Detroit News: Taking your kids' dreams seriously. WebTechniques: Parsing XML in IE4 with JScript. Builder.com: Top 10 Underrated Technologies. NY Times: A guide to Microspeak.
New HOWTO: Tracking server hits. A possible problem with Microsoft XML Notepad. Updated with comments by Tim Bray. A new CGI on Betty redirects you to a random DaveNet piece. It's interesting because it runs off the content for the site, there's no need to build a list of URLs. Zero maintenence. Another random password generator in a web page. Here's an example of a web-based slideshow. Here's a short story from many years ago. You're helping me test a new server. SJ Merc: Adobe sales drop, 300 face layoff. NY Times: GeoCities IPO yields market cap of $1.1 billion. Cameron Barrett: Are you a web hero?
InfoWorld: Gates will be deposed publicly. A new look for the DaveNet website. XML-RPC for Macintosh web servers. Beta. Tim Bray on DCD and W3C. Question: Are there any good free utilities for NT that convert a .bmp file to a .gif file? Answer: Everyone's recommending ImageMagick. Important: A planned outage will occur between 4PM and 6PM Pacific today. InternetWorld: XML spec changes affect Microsoft Office. InternetWorld: XML in health care. News.com: Y2K may cost Sprint $200M. News.com: Mac sales booming. Wired: Mac developers seek the source. WebTechniques magazine has an article on Frontier in this month's issue. It's not on their website yet, as soon as it is, I'll point to it. Thanks! Stephane Volet: Emulating shared menus on NT. An ancient document that explains what Mac menu sharing is all about. NetObjects BeanBuilder has a funny name! It makes me think of the little dog in the Taco Bell commercials. Even better: It's built on the Lotus BeanMachine! Oy oy oy! From Samir Amora, CEO of NetObjects: "I can tell that you are still a very sick man who hasn't lost his sense of humor! :-) Thanks for the plug!" InfoWorld: HP annoints Persistence. When XML-RPC takes off we'll be doing deals like this too. Fingers crossed! The Nielsen Norman Group, and Dan Gillmor's column on it. Updated: Frontier Newbies Toolbox.
W3C: DCDs. News.com on DCDs. New in 5.1: Updating Frontier's object database over the Internet with a single command. PC WEEK: Email may be the Y2K nightmare. Slashdot.org: WINE is the Windows Emulator for Linux. London Times: Tour operators won't book flights for 12/31/99 or 1/1/00. Peter Merholz: User-centered Information Design. InfoWorld: Vendors rush to be at Java's server side. I wish they were using XML-RPC to connect Java bits, then we could intermix scripting code with Java code. Some servers are written in Perl or Tcl or ASP, it's a fact of life. We're trawling for neat new sites... http://www.imacworld.com/ Jakob Nielsen: Why do people use something this bad? NY Times: Rekindling love's fire along the last frontier.
SJ Merc: Will iMac brighten Apple's smile? Henry Norr takes a first look at iMac on MacInTouch. DominoPower is a Frontier-managed website. Dan Gillmor: Will the sky fall on 1/1/00? John Dean of Watergate fame writes a letter to Monica Lewinsky in the NY Times.
"Dave's an operator, a builder, a programmer. That infuses everything he writes and sets DaveNet quite apart from the rest of mainstream press." An April 1996 piece I wrote for HotWired on flaming. "If an obscenely slow Web page download has ever made you want to destroy your computer, here's something to consider as you simmer: there's now a measurement of your misery." Qualcomm: Eudora Pro security alert and patch. Wired: DOJ says Microsoft is floating old ideas.
"His opinions are passionately held, well-informed, intelligent, argumentative and quite often wrong." XML-related changes coming in Frontier 5.1.3. Today's Scripting News XML file. There's one file for every day that we publish. Josh Lucas's nightly mailing of Scripting News is based on this feature, as is Vignette's experimental Tallent: Frontier ODBC Extension 1.0b8. Mac and Windows. Seth Dillingham on List-based support. Fat Page: scriptingNewsToXML. News.com: Web technologies usurp DCE. IMHO, eventually this will become the XML-RPC story. News.com missed something. Microsoft's COM is an implementation of DCE. It has more momentum than they thought. Reuters: Eudora security flaw discovered. http://www.webstandards.org/. SJ Merc: Here's a great picture of Microsoft's Steve Ballmer having a strong physical reaction to something Becky Morgan said. Here's the rest of the story... Our friend Thea is looking for mind-blowing Frontier projects that she can showcase in her Galleria. A great flowbuilder! Douglas Adams on his nose.
DaveNet: Flames and Friendship. Emmanuel Décarie: Frontier Newbie Toolbox. Thanks for befriending the newbies! Contentious interviews Jakob Nielsen. NY Times: Microsoft says Internet browser idea arose long before Netscape. Wired: Microsoft to open Silicon Valley campus. MacWorld compares Dreamweaver and Cyberstudio.
Adam Curry: "You seem to have some branding issues." Stick Figure of Death Theatre. Lots more mail... Really great stuff! InfoWorld: Gartner's Y2K survey finds widespread disruptions likely. News.com: Excite readies community builder. WebMonkey: Crash course in serving ads. www.tom.com. Neat! SJ Merc: Amazon buys 2 database firms. MacInTouch: Linux much faster than MacOS. US Naval Observatory: GPS Week Rollover. Reuters: Sweden ponders Y2K nuke shutdown. 513 days before 12/31/99.
DaveNet: Y2K Breakdowns in 1998? Press Release: Amazon acquires PlanetAll and Junglee. The MacBinary III standard. According to people who know it's important that Mac communications software support this when the next release of the Mac system software comes out. SF Examiner: The Linux revolution. Wired: MacWEEK Squeezed? Phil Suh: Managing META tags in Frontier. More mail... Regex 2.0 is getting close to completion. Mackido: Politics in the Mac website world. Fat Page: workspace.xmlWriteExamples. Yesterday's DN is going to be in the Chicago Tribune next week.
DaveNet: The Emotional Age of the Internet. InternetWeek: DOM's Potential Shines. HOWTO: Multi-homing in Frontier's web server. More mail. News.com: Is push still dead? W3C: Revision of XML-Namespaces spec. According to Jon Bosak of Sun, "This draft incorporates a new attribute-based syntax for namespace declarations as well as new mechanisms for defaulting and scoping." Two ex-Apple execs on DaveNet: Jim Gable and
"I love innovation and experimentation. New ways of combining words. New ways of delivering those words. Fresh ideas on interaction and community and dialog. People who look for better ways to communicate." NY Times editorial: The millennium bug looms. InfoWorld: JavaLobby pushes for Runtime bundling. "The majority of our customers are evaluating Java, but the actual number of Java deployments is extremely small today," said Michael Takemura, Compaq's product marketing manager. Dan Gillmor on Bill Bradley's time in Silicon Valley.
DaveNet: A Relaxing Summer. Here's one of my favorite pieces from the past about the mystery of it all.
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