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DaveNet: Comparing Broadband and HTML. John Dvorak has another screenshot of a confidential Microsoft product, Windows 2001. AbiSource: Pictures from LinuxExpo. News.com: The bidding war for Linux.com. Was Microsoft really bidding, and why? InfoWorld: HP Splits in Two, CEO Platt Splits Too. InfoWorld wins the Best Headline of 1999 Award. Press Release: Computer Associates and Red Hat sittin in a tree. Bringing Linux to the desktop of one million PC. CNN: Senate report on Y2K. Ouch! My face is red. Bryan Green points to three DaveNet pieces where I *did* claim to be a journalist. 1, 2, 3. So I retract the statement I made today about never claiming to be a journalist and apologize to my readers for not having done a thorough search of DaveNet back-issues before making the statement. MSNBC: Internet Deals at Snowbird. Ygenerator is a dynamic Flash generator that works in the same way as Macromedia's Flash Generator. Dru Jay has two interesting ideas that are well-illustrated in two web pages. 1, 2. Both look like they could be done in Frontier. Wired: Microsoft to Drop Spam Filtering. "Just because we're complying doesn't mean we're giving up," [Microsoft spokesman Tom Pilla] said. "We want to defend our right to add technologies that aid users." Avantgo: Mobile Application Link is a communication standard and software that enables handhelds to exchange data and applications directly with centralized application servers in the same way that HotSync or ActiveSync technologies enable a handheld to exchange data with a workstation. Now you too can do The Hamster Dance. But wait, there's more! David Brown has a cable modem and wouldn't give it back. IBM has an interactive XML syntax checker, as does UserLand. Wired: Counties and Internet Taxation. As malls shrink, as the Internet grows, counties are losing their revenue base. Fairfax IT: Pentium III-only Sites Coming Soon. Oooops! Upside: Brenda Laurel vs Barbie. Barbie won. Adobe's InDesign is their challenge to Quark, to be launched today in Boston at Seybold. MacWEEK: InDesign makes Seybold debut. MacWorld: Adobe Answers XPress. News.com: Adobe Rolling Out Quark Killer. NY Times: Internet Sellers Appease Retailers. "...if you don't practice cannibalism, the competition will eat you for lunch." Developer's Day at WWW8 includes a panel on web scripting, and Frontier gets a mention. That's nice!
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