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DaveNet: Whois.userland.com?
Woodside Almanac: $4,400 Breakfast at Buck's. Philippe Martin: ODBExtractor 1.1. Other WhosIs's: SmartWhoIs, CompanySleuth, NameStake. Footprint Software makes an outliner for Windows CE. From the It Had to Happen Department: domainauction.com. MacWEEK: PowerBooks are too heavy. When.com: Upcoming IPOs. Charlie Wood explains Vignette's URL format. Here's a picture of Jamis MacNiven (the owner of Buck's), Jimmi Johnson, Marc Canter and myself brainstorming about the website and eating free food, a couple of weeks ago during VC rush-hour at Buck's (Thursday morning). Then Daniel Berlinger had some fun with that picture. The original photo was taken by Flash Stutsman. Hello! My name is Dave. Welcome to our little planning ommision. I am the commisar. We are planning to overthrow the proletariat. And whistle while we work. How will you contribute to the downfall of plurality? Wired: Building a Self-Actualized Web. "If XML becomes the universal format for structuring data, as its backers anticipate, everything from classified ads to news articles to recipes to search engines will be more orderly, and applications like browsers can manipulate and display these documents in more useful ways, according to XML advocates." Grateful Dead: Playing in the Band. This could be the theme song for the web, at its best. Moses DeJong: TCL Java 1.2. Chris Sutton is running Linux on his desktop. He's the system manager in a predominantly Mac workgroup, but he feels the pull of Microsoft every day. Reuters: Microsoft aims new OS at China's masses. Chris Nolan: Will Bristol Drop the Ball?
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