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Milestone: Frontier reads Slashdot.org. Heads-up: We're working on a new service that indexes news sites like Tomalak's Realm and Slashdot.org and Hack the Planet and others that have syndication hooks and excellent links and staying power. The result? A new search engine that uses the brains and judgement of people doing weblogs to decide what gets indexed. We're going to start with a search engine that focuses on the web developer world because that's what we know. But the software will be easily adapted to create search engines for any area of specialization. With any luck tomorrow I'll have a pointer to the search engine for you to try it out. slashdot.org's ultramode file. It's the equivalent of the XML version of Scripting News. Hack-the-Planet has an XML view that's compatible with ours. We're working with Lawrence Lee on an XMLization for Tomalak. Jorn Barger thinks the weblog JIT-SE will be nice. Then the discussion rolled around to how to get his weblog in the loop. Wired: MacSpotting is a New Obsession. They list Seymour Cray as a Mac user, but unfortunately Mr. Cray is dead. Bliner 98 is a "bracket outliner" for Windows. It looks coool! A very nice combination between a spreadsheet and an outliner. Numbers roll up the hierarchy. I know this idea works because we did it in MORE 1.0. Looks like they've taken it quite a bit further than we did. News.com: Forbes to announce candidacy on the Internet. MSNBC: A medium that was invented by Al Gore? Want to get rich fast? Register this domain name. Funny! It's like the emailer with a spell-checker that doesn't have the word emailer in its dictionary. Ryan Szekeres tried to register it. "I get a template error saying the domain is registered. That sucks." Oh well. It was a good idea anyway!
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