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LinuxCare: Fear of Forking. "The fate of Unix is well known. Split by commercial vendors into into a babel of incompatible versions, today the various Unixes compete only with each other for a piece of the dwindling Unix market." Refreshing honesty! MacWEEK: Does Sherlock 2 Play Fair? Survey: What to do about Apple? Jim Roepcke: "Manila kicks ass." Thanks! Holy guacamole! Mahir is a portal. MacCentral: AppleScript Tutorial, Part 4. The Weblog Monitor now maintains two XML files, mirroring the calendar structure, and the list of registered weblogs. LarkFarm has a VB app that reads these XML files. Quick! 63 weblogs have registered as of 11:19AM. I want to get it up to 100 by the end of the day.
Nicky Jones, an executive recruiter, is looking for Vignette programmers to work for a blue chip client. These posts are welcome, as long as there aren't too many. Side-benefit, Scripting News readers inside Vignette shops. How's that for a viral app? Now that I'm reading more weblogs thanks to Weblog Monitor, I see other sites giving Scripting News credit for links they pick up here. I appreciate the acknowledgment, but it isn't necessary. I feel this kind of back-slapping is wasteful for the readers. No one owns a link to another site. If you feel gratitude, that's great, there are other ways to express it. Don't clutter up your site with link attributions, at least not for us. One nice way to show appreciation is to link to the site in another section, perhaps on another day. Or to register your site with the Weblog Monitor so more people can see what you do. That's called a win-win, and that's what the web is about, IMHO. Another interesting weblog. His life as a boy is a father writing about the early years of his son's life. Lots of pictures. MSNBC: Trial hasn't slowed Microsoft. "Microsoft has studied IBM’s failed strategy, Enderle said. 'The reaction therefore is to ignore, until you’re actually ordered to do something, to ignore the event and only do what you are specifically ordered to do. In other words, don’t try and anticipate, because that’s what IBM did and it almost put the company out of business,' he said." Motley Fool: "Since the Findings of Fact came out, the market in general, and the Nasdaq in particular, have shot up, with the Nasdaq setting record highs on a near daily basis. The Nasdaq is up over 10% since Judge Jackson issued his ruling, and is up about 25% since the Judge announced that he was shortly going to be announcing his decision. This strong surge is in spite of the fact that Microsoft itself, which makes up a very large chunk of the Nasdaq index, is down about 8% since the ruling."
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