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![]() Fortune: Even the webmaster can be replaced. "If a programmer is indispensable, get rid of him as quickly as possible." Amen. Another great quote from the Fortune piece: "A century ago worried telephone company executives calculated that everyone in America would have to become a telephone operator if Ma Bell scaled up to reach out and touch the nation. In fact, that is precisely what happened: Instead of operators dialing numbers, we do." I bet Shrage would get Manila. Dan Gillmor met with Dan Bricklin yesterday, the story is on both their sites. I keep going around in circles on this one. Is it just me, or is it universally galling to point at Wired now that Lycos has a pseudo-frame at the top of each page? Wired, like Netscape, is one of the emblems of the web. Lycos is an also-ran search engine. I'd prefer if it were the other way around. SJ Merc: $40 million jet for Jobs. Here's a wonderful place for people to whine away the hours. Man, I really hate the background color on that site. In the Wizard of Oz, the scarecrow wished he only had a brain. "Well what would you do with a brain if you had one?" Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! NY Times on Transmeta: "The company said its top-of-the-line chip, the TM5400, would have a clock speed of 700 MHz and would consume, on average, about one watt of power, far lower than today's low-power Intel chips, which can consume 10 watts or more. That chip is intended for subnotebook portable computers that run Microsoft's Windows operating system." WSJ: "If super-fast fiber-optic connections won't fly in Palo Alto, can they make it anywhere?" |
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