Jon Udell's opus Jon Udell: Internet Groupware for Scientific Collaboration. Broad coverage of the tools we love, and ones we've never even heard of. Great report. Bookmark it. Mac Radio Jake posted an RFC for the plan for Radio UserLand/Mac. I gave him the go-ahead. With any luck he'll have it in a couple of days and then we'll be doing the whole thing cross-platform. President Ford On my Blogger site, below, I posted a link with a silly comment about former President Gerald Ford's illness. At the time they said it was a cold. Later they said it was a stroke. I felt so bad about this. I wish him the best, get well soon. He's 87 years old and frail. I actually shook his hand once, when he was President, and he came to speak at Tulane. He said something nice about our school. Not many people did in those days. People always laughed at him, but he's a nice guy and he became President in a shitty way. (He also pardoned Tricky Dick, so let's not go overboard.) Our inspiration? Some people think that the Radio.exe icon is Gerald Ford. I don't think so. More friendly mind bombing Now you can see the last 25 songs I've played. The signed-on users list has been updated, it now has a pointer to each user's history XML file. Each user also has a userAgent attribute. Mark your calendars On Saturday August 19, I'm moderating a star-studded panel Internet music execs at the Bandwidth Conference in SF, we'll talk about The Fan of the Future. On Tuesday August 29, I'm doing a lunch session at Seybold, also in SF, talking about the lessons of Napster for the publishing industry. Misc flames and pointers Reuters: Apple sues unknown trade secret leaker. Gartner: Microsoft retires COM. John Montgomery, Microsoft's marketing czar for COM and .NET, wrote a whitepaper about COM's future existence in the context of .NET. I never thought for a minute that COM was gone, in fact, we're just starting to really use COM in our programming at UserLand. Mark Allerton: "They can deny it as many times as they like, but it won't make it any less true." Regardless, Montgomery's whitepaper provides a fresh perspective on Dot-Net. A high-level runtime for scripting. Good idea. In a couple of years they might catch up with Frontier 1.0. Have you ever gotten an email from Mikhail Gorbachev? Dan Gillmor: "Instead of pointing multiple cameras at the convention floor and streaming the images to our computer screens, Web journalists should be looking at the issues -- at what will happen if we elect these people and what has brought our society to the point where we are." LA Times: Is a stitch online a crime? WSJ: Microsoft cracks down on software piracy. First there was Blogger, now there's NewsBlogger, a collaboration between Pyra and Moreover. I updated my Blogger site using NewsBlogger! Coool. Novobot is a "smart headline viewer." News.Com: "A team of IBM summer interns has created a free, new tool that eases the task of writing Linux-based software."
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