DaveNet: Bootstrapping. Rogers Cadenhead: "I'm in the process of importing directories I have created on the Open Directory Project into RU. Since the ODP has a license that allows anyone to publish its content as long as some boilerplate HTML is included along with it, porting ODP data seems like a good opportunity for RU." A bootstrap. Steven Ivy did the flipside, converting OPML files produced by Radio into the RDF files used in ODP. Python is driving me crazy. I have a script that's getting the text of the home page, and that part works, now I want to save it in a file, and I'm getting nowhere reading the docs. Could it be that the Windows version of f.write doesn't work? Help, I'm a newbie! John VanDyk: Metadata Plug-In 2.0. Doc's dad was a bootstrapper. Wow, Doc found a picture of the bootstrapping process I described in today's essay. Yet another spin on AmIHotOrNot. What comes next? SJ Merc: Firm abandons $1 billion VC fund. "Unless we can look them in the eye and say we believe we have a great model to make all of this money, in good conscience, we can't go forward.'' One of the most difficult parts of the Radio user interface has been the browser button you click on to edit a document in Radio. Bryan Bell, our designer, finally had enough of it and designed a more straightforward button, illustrated above. Since I'm the one writing the docs, I welcomed it immediately; even though I know that later it may be a problem, when other Two-Way-Web editors come online, it's going to seem weird to click on a button named Edit With Radio to edit a document in Emacs or BBEdit. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. The latest AmIHotOrNot ripoff. New sample: Counting words in an outline. I was going to leave for New Orleans on Sunday, but with so many things piled up on my desk (good things) I've pushed it back to Wednesday. I've got to write my next XML Magazine column, on bootstrapping and SOAP; and I've got to finish the next version of the Radio UserLand website. We're also getting a new release of the Radio app ready, and a bunch of new websites are coming online. Busy busy busy.
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