Hey I did some after post-post-time late-night (for me) blogging over on my Handsome Radio Blog. It's reverse-chronologic, so you have to read from bottom-to-top. It may not make much sense. Whatever. I'll probably rewrite most of it on SN in the next few days. Good night one and all. Talking about memes, I had not heard of black helicopters until today. Survey: Do you hate memes? Brent: "Memes and truth are mutually exclusive." Cringely: "Imagine a murderer who shot his victims being enjoined for five years from using a gun, but still being allowed to carry a knife." Sam Ruby answered my questions by saying now's the time, in his mind the current version of SOAP is fully baked and ready to go. I then had a follow-up to his response. Cliff Baseman: "Named parameters is one of my biggest gripes about the SOAP spec." The Great Groove Debate continues on Mark Pilgrim's blog. John Robb: K-Logs and Continuous Education. Sam Ruby: "I am employed by IBM, but these opinions are mine." Sam, thanks for the comments. Now a few questions. Doug Baron: "I'm part of the UserLand team now." Welcome back Doug! To Doc and Chris, markets are more than conversations. There are also products in markets. This is my pushback for Chris for the day. (But the day is still young.) This morning ZDNet picked up that DaveNet piece. Nice. Different picture, different (but still dorky) headline. There's a place you can post your comments, so if you've been wanting to say something to me in public, here's your chance. (Postscript -- I just noticed that ZDNet removed the links from the article. Oy. How will people know I was talking about the Bill of Rights when I was talking about the 18th century decision we made in the US.) Joe Mahoney writes to say that Kmeleon is "the Netscape 6 rendering engine in a very IE like shell. It loads pretty quickly, and renders all the sites I've seen really well. And it doesn't have all that annoying AOL shit or dumbass Mozilla defaults. Most importantly it hasn't crashed, unlike Netscape or Mozilla." I didn't know that. Good idea! Hey you might want to go to this event in SF on the 13th and ask IBM if they plan to get with the people and support XML-RPC, and while you're at it ask them to explain why WSDL is important, and say what patents they have in Web Services. IBM is a BigBigCo. Are they our friends? Let's find out. Doc: "Here in Bløglånd." |
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