| Monday, December 10, 2001 |
DaveNet: Dave Winer on a Segway. 
First Monday on the Web's coverage of Sept 11. 
A mail page for comments and questions on Segway and other topics. 
USA Today: "Christopher Locke may think big business is clueless, but he doesn't think it is hopeless." 
Why is there a picture of Maynard G Krebs to the right? Because it's cool. 
Masukomi: "By not supporting XML or any similar means of communicating with other apps they have created their own little Galapagos. Yeah, they're the kings, but it's a damn small kingdome and its species aren't well suited to the environmental change." 
I'm listening to a report on NPR about the fantastic networks of caves that Uncle Osama and his colleagues have in the mountains of Afghanistan. They're very clever. Angled entrances, miles of tunnels, etc etc. Hard to bomb. Heh. I guess they got us. But wait a minute. Here's an idea. First we make an announcement. "Terrorists come out now with your hands up, or else we'll drop a dirty bombs all around your nice cave complex." Of course once we drop the dirty bombs, they won't be able to come out without getting really sick. If we've got the bad guys isolated like that, why show any mercy? Maybe I'm missing something. 
Lots of network outages today. My line was down for about an hour. Jake can't connect to our workgroup server. Brent is having trouble reaching Digital Forest. Users are reporting they can't get to their websites. Not sure what's going on. 
DHRB: "I used WebEdit to check it out, thinking I was protected. I was not." 
Jeff Kandt: "I hate the dock." 
Doc: The Dangerfield Syndrome. 
On this day four years ago Frontier officially went cross-platform. Four years. Arrrgh. 
Today's probably going to be a 'lite' day on Scripting News. Programming work this morning, then I have to pay my property taxes this afternoon (right on the deadline of course), and then get ready for the Segway demo this evening. 
Dale Pike answered my call for graphics for the awards I want to bestow on the great weblogs of 2001. He would have the award be called The Golden Cactus. I like it. Nice. Other ideas and graphics are welcome, here in graphics-impaired-land. 
Adam Curry's house in Amsterdam is for sale. It's a nice place, on a canal, very luxurious. 
Last update: Monday, December 10, 2001 at 8:05 PM Eastern. | Dave Winer 

