Fortune: "With so many tech magazines out of business (we're not naming names), these e-newsletters, once solely for tech heads, are becoming mandatory information sources for the mainstream." Ingo Rammer got Radio to talk to .NET. Bing! Simon Fell: "Sam raises some good points on what its going to take to talk to .NET My Services." Peter Drayton: "The MSN Protocol was written up as an IETF draft back in '99." Ken Hagler is working with XMethods to get interop in SOAP. This is important stuff. Thanks for pluggin away at this Ken. Overstated: "The top 25 meme producers are as follows.." Cameron Pope: "XML-RPC lets us decouple our user interface from our data manipulation." A reminder of how beautiful anger can be. Guardian: A tale of one man and his blog. Doc: "What they did to Barry, and to Dan, was blast tens of thousands of links into a fine mist of 404s." Glenn: "San Jose, We Have a Problem." Peter Svensk notes that the delay of Olympic broadcasts on the West Coast is a contention betw NBC and its affiliates. Of course Lawrence found a bunch of links about the NBC controversy. Lawrence is Canadian. He says "the Opening Ceremonies on CBC were also commercial free. And live, coast to coast." Bootstrapping into .NET Now that we have the foundation for Web Services in Radio established, we can call via SOAP or XML-RPC, and we can write services that are callable over the same protocols, and we know that we can make cross-Internet calls, there's one more area to focus on, and it should be relatively easy, but may take a few steps -- that's using SOAP and XML-RPC to communicate with apps running on the same machine. This is going to become important as we bridge into different membership and presence systems. In my last DaveNet I asked a question. "What role should the Instant Messaging vendors play? They already have a big directory of users, we could tie into their networks, but would they like us to do this, or would they even let us?" Well, it appears that Microsoft will let us do this. So let's proceed with an investigation. The core question is -- can we communicate, via SOAP 1.1, with the .NET runtime? We need help with this because we don't have the expertise inside UserLand. That's when I ask the community to help. Help! The presence services are available in .NET. For Radio to tap into those services we have to create a connection, to learn how to call services in .NET from our environment. It's going to be a bootstrap, an inch by inch thing. Explore-ship-vacate In 1998, I asked Mason Hale to write a story for the (then) new superstars of the Frontier community on how to work with me. Mason passed down some of the folklore, but he wasn't in the first class, which started in 1991. Dan Shafer, was there then and is here now. So was Chris Gulker, then at the SF Examiner. In the next group we had a CompuServe forum, a novelty then for a company of our small size. John Baxter, Tom Pettacia, Steve Michel, Peter Dako, Leonard Rosenthol, Mike Cohen, Richard Scorer, Scott Lawton, Steve Zellers, Terry Teague (what a great tester), you can see their names on the Credits page for Frontier 3.0. And many of them are back, using Radio 8. To the members of the new community, don't overlook these people. They have incredible minds, and deep experience with Frontier, and are very generous and kind people, who love to share what they've learned. Now the class of 96 is coming back online, I'm not on the mail list because of all the flames, but when it quiets down I look forward to hearing people's ideas on the next steps in the evolution of our environment and tool set. BTW, Mason is totally right about the explore-ship-vacate cycle. I feel the vacation coming on any week now. Good morning coffee drinkers Stilll catching up, reading the blogs, you know the routine. Lots of email about linkrot. Apparently columnist Dave Barry got lost in the reorg at Knight-Ridder. Mark Pilgrim found him with help from Karl Martino. Karlin Lillington from the Irish Times says a lot of her articles are missing going all the way back to 1995. Ryan Tate who writes for Upside says all the BigPubs and many of the weblogs run by pro journalists play loose with the archives. Many thanks to Andy Sylvester for doing such a great job with the directory of resources for Radio users. We'll try our best to keep those links from rotting! Curious thing about the Olympic opening ceremonies last night. In the upper left corner of the screen was the word LIVE, promising that what I was seeing was happening right then, but apparently it was not. I checked in at Weblogs.Com during the ceremony and found the answer to the secret -- who was chosen to light the flame? The Web now covers these events in real time. Lies like LIVE are easily exposed. They should be aware of this. Was it a news event or entertainment? If it was news, then NBC has an integrity issue (issue #2, knowingly saying something that isn't true). Even if it was just entertainment it was a bold lie. Yuck. And why aren't there 20 channels for Olympic coverage, with a desktop web app that allows me to program my TiVO for the next two weeks. I'd like to watch a curling event. A little bit of ski jumping. I'd like to see the Jamaican bobsled team. Yah man. Why is Taiwan called China Taipei? Sting was great, what a neat idea to team him up with YoYoMa. Time for some more coffee! Now on to the subject of vilification. It's a hot topic right now. There's a lot of that going on. I get it in spades. You might be surprised how many people think I'm the devil, or completey incompetent, or incontinent, or just a convenient punching bag. Microsoft gets a lot of that too, much more of course than I do, because they're so much bigger, and so much more in the conversation. I guess we all want to be appreciated for the good work we do, and want our failures and flaws to be overlooked or failing that, understood. I have no wisdom of my own to offer at this time, but I do remember well what JLG said about monkeys and trees and derrieres. We'll just keep moving on and hope that people get that we're all just human, even those who people think are godlike. As the Firesign Theater used to say, We're All Bozos On This Bus, and that includes you and me. |
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