| Friday, March 15, 2002 |
Flangy says Microsoft is back on the road to Cairo. 
Steve, if Sun is Rodney Dangerfield, what is UserLand? 
So many things coming next week. On Monday, Radio Community Server. By then we'll have to say what the price is. OK. Then on Wednesday, a new partnership, with the blessing of Murphy (and lawyers), and at the end of the week, the OPML Coffee Mug mystery is solved. Oh and tomorrow, I'm going to unveil a new open architecture for Radio's aggregator, driver-based, like upstreaming, making it possible to plug-in new XML formats. 
Last night I had dinner with the Seybold folks, we talked about doing a Web Services Day at Seybold SF in Sept. The emphasis will be on publishing, of course -- since that's what Seybold is about. We'll also put the focus on the support that Apple has built into Mac OS X for XML-RPC and SOAP. We have some time to get the program together. If you have products or ideas that you'd like to get in front of the Seybold community, and are focused on publishing, esp on the Mac platform, please let me know. 
Jake is looking for some fresh testers for Radio Community Server. We're still on track for shipping the first public release on Monday. 
Three changes this morning to the MetaWeblog API. 
Evan Williams, the author of the Blogger API, comments. 
This afternoon, another change, in the Radio 8 implementation of the MetaWeblog API. 
Jon Udell: "Until and unless critical mass is achieved, we are just angels dancing on the head of a pin." Amen. 
Tim Jarrett is bridging OmniOutliner and OPML. 
Tom Matrullo reviews David Weinberger's new book, Small Pieces Loosely Joined. 
Tim O'Reilly weighs in on the Eisner debate. 
Register: "AOL has - finally - shipped a beta of its software that uses Netscape technology rather than IE. This suggests, barring major breakages in the interim, that the company could contrive a defection from the Microsoft camp with the rollout of of AOL 8.0 software later this year." 
Happy fourth birthday to Kottke's weblog. 
On this day in 1999, Scripting News was the first site to implement RSS. Of course almost all the links on that page are broken, including Netscape's and ours. Oh well. 
Coffee coffee coffee I love coffee. 
Googlewhack! (Screen shot.) 
Last update: Friday, March 15, 2002 at 7:40 PM Eastern. | Dave Winer 

