| Friday, March 22, 2002 |
News.Com ran a light edit of last night's piece. 
Economist: "Everything seems wonderful, darling. And yet a shadow stalks Tinseltown. Beneath the bonhomie the industry's leaders are increasingly nervous that Hollywood is about to be Napsterised." 
A new feature on Weblogs.Com shows the top 100 pages pointed to by weblogs that pinged in the last three hours. It's rebuilt every night at midnight Pacific, Murphy-willing. 
Some problems calling Advogato's XML-RPC interface. 
Sean Gallagher: "I suspect that Dvorak doesn't know a web service from a hole in the ground." 
There's a Detroit Tigers weblog. Oh the humanity! 
I've been following Brig Eaton's battle with epilepsy on her weblog, wondering if it was OK to point. Today's installment is so riveting, I decided it was time. Take a deep breath. 
Tom Matrullo asks some interesting questions about our deal with the NY Times. I have written extensively about the difference between amateurs and pros. I use the terms the same way they apply to athletics. There's no implication of higher quality on either side, but if I had to make a choice, I'd prefer to read amateur stuff, it's more honest, less conflicted. Integration means having bloggers write for the Times and having Times reporters keep blogs. I've also written about that. Tom asks some other questions that I don't think, as the CEO of a private company, I have to or want to answer. BTW, unlike Tom, I was against Third Voice. If it had caught on, there would have been no difference between the Web and mail lists. I like mail lists for what they are. And I like the Web for what it is. And I thought the Times challenge of Amazon over use of the Times Best-Seller List was tacky, but then I don't think much of Amazon either. They could have been Google, they could have been on our side, and a stupid worthless patent was enough to turn them to the dark side. I think the Pew Internet (pointer?) writeup nailed it. Someone at NYTD thinks weblogs are important. But it's a big organization, a very venerable one, and there are two sides to that. I don't want to inherit any of the Times' conflicts, I am solidly a blogger, and an amateur, but I do want to help ease them into the new practice of journalism, and at the same time help bloggers take ourselves and each other more seriously. And maybe it's just a way of returning a kindness they did for me when they helped train my mind as a kid. 
4/24/01: "At a party, editor-publisher Louis Rosetto introduced me to one of Wired's biggest advertisers, an American vice-president of a Japanese company, Fujitsu, Toshiba, or something like that. I listened to his pitch for a minute, and interrupted with a question. 'Don't you make a clone?' I asked. He gulped. I saw a light go on. He looked at Louis, and Louis at me. They walked away. I felt owned." 
Sometime last night Google reinstated Xenu.Net. That's very cool. No doubt there will be more challenges in the future. On Slashdot they noted that without exception the tech sites stood up for Google. That's something to be proud of. 
Russ Lipton: How to Download and Swap Themes. 
Macrobyte: "RCSearch is the super-easy-to-use search engine for UserLand's Radio Community Server." 
Whew. The Daypop Top 40 is back. Missing it felt like losing a thumb. Not that I've lost a thumb. 
Last year on this day, Vignette was worth $1.5 billion, Interwoven $1.3 billion, Allaire was $185 million and Marimba $81 million. "I see no rhyme or reason here." Today they are worth $830 million, $546 million, Allaire merged with Macromedia and Marimba is worth $74 million. 
BTW, I sold another piece to News.Com. $0.00. 
Last update: Friday, March 22, 2002 at 8:37 PM Eastern. | Dave Winer 

