| Wednesday, October 02, 2002 |
Jake Savin reports on the first-of-month Radio bug fix. 
Press release: "Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) today introduced legislation designed to protect consumer's ability to enjoy digital copyrighted material." 
Halley comments that tomorrow's Harvard Business School conference in Cupertino is sold out. 
Apple VP Ken Bereskin explains a new Mac OS X feature every day on his Radio weblog. 
It's going to be a light couple of days and probably through the weekend. Lots of stuff on the calendar, and also lots of sleeping for the still-recovering heart surgery patient that I am. Who ever said you recover in three months, well, I guess it doesn't happen for everyone. I still need 12 hours of sleep every 24, sometimes more. Other updates, Jake and Lawrence are hot on the trail of the beginning-of-the-month bug that's been torturing some (not all) Radio users since approx April or May. It seems to only happen if you have titles and links turned on, and don't specify a link on the first post of the month, and do specify a title. If that is indeed the situation, we know what the problem is, and will fix it. I apologize that we didn't nail this sooner, but my health was failing in May and early June, and I was seriously recuperating during the July, August and September monthly rollovers. Some of the feedback has been less than kind. I think these people momentarily forget that behind every user interface are people with lives, and struggles. That goes double for UserLand. 2002 has been an unbelievably challenging year for this company. 
Our NY Times Weblog is still alive and kickin. Mark Twain said "The rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated." In this case, a few people were accessing the site through a URL that we failed to redirect when the site moved. Ooops, our mistake. Fixed. Praise Murphy! 
Leander Kahney digs through the archives and discovers that many of the innovations in Mac history came from small independent developers, not Apple. Keep digging Leander, there's much more to the story. 
Here's a Slashdot feed that has (abbreviated) descriptions. I just subscribed to it in Radio, it works. 
Adam Curry: "As I blog this, Patricia is hand feeding the swans while an a camera swoops overhead on an 8 meter crane. The next months are gonna be crazy." Watching you watch them watching you on behalf of a worldwide TV audience. 
Jenny the Librarian: "I'm having a surreal morning and I haven't even left for work yet." 
Breathe a big sigh of relief and welcome back to Ernie the Attorney. 
Note to Doc: Exactly. 
Last update: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 7:30 PM Eastern. | Dave Winer 

