| Thursday, October 17, 2002 |
Last night a new feature in Radio, comments in RSS feeds. If you have comments turned on in your weblog, when Radio generates your RSS feed, it includes the new (in 2.0) comments element, that links to the comments for the item. It works both ways. When Radio reads an RSS feed that contains links to comments, it shows them on the News page, so if you read something there and want to comment (and the site supports them) you can just click on the Comments link and you're there. Jake added the feature last night. That's the reason we did all the fussing with the new 2.0 format, so we could bring new features to the users. 
Congrats to Daniel Berlinger on the release of Archipelago 2.0, a Macintosh desktop editor for Manila and Radio sites, and tools that conform to the Blogger and Metaweblog APIs. 
Mark Paschal has Radio and Python talking over AIM. 
Scott Rosenberg: "Think of that $40 billion as one big Windows replacement fund." 
Dan Gillmor: "Innovation is almost dead in desktop software, where Microsoft has sucked the financial oxygen out of the system." 
A milestone today. I released my first beta since May. It's a brand new piece of software, written with absolutely no cigarettes. My secret is to keep a jar of Planter's unsalted peanuts in the kitchen. Whenever I need to pause and think before implementing something I get up and get a handful of peanuts. The little walk is important for some reason. When I come back I eat the peanuts one at a time. It takes about the same amount of time as a cigarette. I used to smoke to set a pace. Now the getting up and peanut eating does the job. Anyway, I'll link to the beta tomorrow, it's the RSS Explorer Tool. It's going to build a new kind of community, and should get more exposure for feeds that aren't in the top 100. 
Dear Doc: I read Orlowski's article and without knowing any of the particulars thought he was doing her a favor, and didn't see what was so bad about what he said. 
Adobe CEO Bruce Chizen: "At one point, Acrobat was known as the 'roach motel' of data formats -- you could get data in, but you couldn’t get it out." 
Frank Zappa asked "Is that a real poncho or is that a Sears poncho?" Good question then, good question now. Is our presumed upcoming war with Iraq a real war or a Sears war? Clearly the latter. Everything Bush and Blair have said so far about Hussein says he's like any other nasty man with big weapons. He's using them as a deterrent. I'd like to know if we plan to go to war with every dictator who has nukes. That means we have to invade Pakistan for sure. And North Korea, we learned yesterday. It all depends on your point of view and what continent you live on, and whether the despot has oil. 
CTV: 4 in 10 Americans support annexing Canada. 
Last update: Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 6:10 PM Eastern. | Dave Winer 

