| Sunday, December 01, 2002 |
This is the lightest day on the Web in recent memory. A good day to take a nap, watch some TV, read a book. If you write something interesting send me a pointer. There's not enough to point to today. 
Michael Fraase: The call that changed my life. 
This evening I had a fantastic visit with my father in the hospital. He's alert, communicative, sweet beyond belief, grateful, and very alive. But. He can't talk. He wants his laptop, but he isn't strong enough to type. He tried to mouthe words, but I can't read lips. This is so frustrating. How do we communicate? If you have an idea, send me an email. How can I learn to read lips quickly? Are there consultants you can hire who are lip readers? 
Matt Mower: "When trying to handle feeds from multiple blogs, inevitably, as Mikel points out, we will reach the situation where people using different words to mean the same topic. This will be a problem, but hopefully not as a big of a problem as it could be. It is for this reason that I have been tracking XFML so carefully. With XFML we have the ability to say 'A's topic X is the same as B's topic Y'. liveTopics already does XFML." 
What is XFML? 
Jeremy Bowers posts two messages on BitTorrent on the Radio-Dev list. 
BitTorrent: "The key to cheap file distribution is to tap the unutilized upload capacity of your customers." 
A promising new anonymous weblog. Check out the tagline. Interesting hexadecimal name. 
Actually Manila shipped three years ago today. 
Last update: Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 5:15 PM Eastern. | Dave Winer 

