| Sunday, September 14, 2003 |
Six years ago today: Fractional Horsepower HTTP Servers. 
John Palfrey is using weblogs in his Harvard Law School class this semester. 
Lots of discussion on mail lists, weblogs and wikis about making RSS work. That's good. I want to see the second half of Postel's Law apply, there should be less variability in the RSS people produce, making it easier for aggregator developers, and allowing them to spend more effort on improving the user experience rather than debating the merits of many different ways of doing the same thing. Also Google has adjusted to the move of the RSS 2.0 spec to Berkman, it's once again at the top of the results page for RSS. It has the URL wrong, but that's not a big problem since we redirect from the URL they have to the correct one. We changed the title of the page so it stands out better in the Google searches. All part of making things work better without ripping up the pavement. 
Last update: Sunday, September 14, 2003 at 3:51 PM Eastern. | Dave Winer 

