| Monday, September 15, 2003 |
Boston Herald: Blogs offer peeks inside small firms. 
Due Diligence: Intraspect Software is sold. 
Paolo: "Are free weblogs good for the Internet?" 
Jon Udell: Email's special power. 
NY Times: "Some musicians say they are beginning to wonder if the actions being taken in their name are a little extreme." 
Michael Feldman: Approaching Critical Mass. 
JY Stervinou sends a pointer to Archive.Org's excellent not-funky RSS feed of recent additions to the archive. Nice use of the Creative Commons module. Subscribed. 
Good morning sports fans. News from the home DSL front. Now Verizon acknowledges that there's a problem. I consider that progress. The line is totally not working, no Internet at home. Found a great parking spot right on the Commons. My to-do list is overflowing. My cold has returned. BloggerCon starts in about three weeks. Hehe. Let's have fun. 
Last update: Monday, September 15, 2003 at 5:59 PM Eastern. | Dave Winer 

