| Saturday, October 25, 2003 |
I'm at the Zap Your PRAM conference in Cavendish, PEI.
Scoble is in Los Angeles for the Microsoft devcon.
Rob Patterson is talking about how blogging is like a torpedo to a battleship.
Jevon drove me here from the NextMedia conference. Pic.
John Muir of Trent Radio is speaking about his radio station.
I'm talking with Mark Hemphill, who's a local, no blog. Says they have one of the longest bridges in the world, over ice-covered water. People here live way up north, but seem pretty normal to me.
Buzz just walked up and introduced himself. He came from Florida. Some people came from Germany, lots of video cameras, good sense of humor. Buzz says I have to check out his blog.
What is the Peer Site Network?
Last update: Saturday, October 25, 2003 at 1:09 PM Eastern. | Dave Winer