The last cactus snapshot. No doubt, everything is broken. The blogroll is missing. But some stuff appears to work. I can update. The flow is much simpler. And my editorial system is faster and easier (so it can get slower and more complex). What did we used to say? Still diggin. BTW, I spoke with Jon Udell this evening to review the plan. He and I have been talking about this stuff for years. I'll be turning on more features tomorrow and Thursday and of course write much more. It's been a long day, and all kidding aside, everything seems to work better than I could have hoped for given how much has changed. Where are we heading? The tree of knowledge. What's our technique? Bootstrapping. Are we building The Semantic Web? No. But we are building tools for people to share and preserve what they know. As Engelbart says, augmenting human intelligence. Washington Post: "George Soros, one of the world's richest men, has given away nearly $5 billion to promote democracy in the former Soviet bloc, Africa and Asia. Now he has a new project: defeating President Bush." Ready or not, it's time to start flipping switches in the transition of Scripting News from weblog to directory for the World Wide Web. Some changes will be visible to the public, others will only be visible to me. By this time tomorrow the cactus will be gone. Everything will change, except one thing will remain constant. It's all still the unedited voice of a person. But it will be modular, and it will be possible for my voice to be mixed with others, in new ways. Feeling mellow today, I picked up the phone and called Mark Pilgrim, and said we should work together. There's a story that's been circulating, it first appeared in a paper given by Matthew Rothenberg, a NYU professor, about standards evolution in the weblog world, and was picked up by Clay Shirky (who's also teaching at NYU these days). Mark and I both figure heavily in the story. One of the many lessons of the Rothenberg piece is that people want us to work together. I think it's a good idea. Mark is a smart man, and we have done some great collaboration in the past. When we both get on the same page, mountains move. Announcing a Scripting News dinner, on Tuesday November 25, at the King Tsin restaurant in Berkeley, 7PM. Thanks to Sylvia Paull, doyenne of Bay Area geeks, for coordinating. This will be the first Scripting News event in the East Bay. I've been friends with Sylvia for almost 20 years, going back to the early days of the Macintosh. She worked at a company started by Will Hearst called Software Ventures. They did a program called Microphone, the early leader in the Mac communications market, before the Internet caught on, when lots of people were dialing into Compuserve and MCI via modems. Anyway, Sylvia once said something to me that I'll file under Homilies, that made a huge difference a long time ago, but it has special relevance today. She said "I only go to parties my friends are welcome at." It's one of those mottos that makes sense from every angle, and it's a beautiful way to manage your personal relationships. Don't sweat it. If you're having a party, everyone is welcome. It's bad karma to try to split up friends. (It turns out it's just as bad to let yourself be split. You end up losing friends that way.) Joshua Marshall doesn't, in his gut, believe that Dean has it sewn up. Meanwhile Kerry fires his campaign manager, and a new poll shows that Joe Lieberman leads in Ohio. A people hire A people, B people hire C people. Always strive for the most excellence. Never be scared to work with people who are smarter than you. Never be scared to let others be smarter than you. (Filed under Dave/Homilies/Mottos.) This week is shaping up to be huge in NH, with Kerry, Dean and Clark touring at the same time. Greenspun in Mexico City. StateDemocracy.Com looks interesting. The Church Sign Generator has great potential.
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