The audio from my talk at Stanford is available.  At a restaurant in Queens today an Asian woman lugging a suitcase goes from table to table offering DVDs for $5. Movies that are currently in the theaters. I had never seen this before. I found it disheartening. Calling this piracy is totally fair, imho.  Jim Moore, the "newly appointed Director of Internet and Information Services for the Dean campaign" responds to my Wednesday editorial. Note that Jim and I are both fellows at Berkman Center.   The Unisphere in Flushing Meadow Park, in Queens.  Six years ago today: "A new Scripting News feature. Soooon, you'll be able to hook up to the news flow thru XML."  Boston Globe: "McGovern, now 81, places himself, and Dean, 'right in the mainstream of the Democratic Party' on all issues besides the wars each have opposed."  Paul Krugman: "I don't know why some journalists seem so concerned about politicians' clothes as opposed to, say, their policy proposals. But unless you're a fashion reporter, obsessing about clothes is an insult to your readers' intelligence." Bing! 
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