| Thursday, January 08, 2004 |
New features: RSS aggregator, polling, event log, HTML links. 
Notes for tonight's meeting are here.  
Taegan Goddard: "Dean now leads with 35 percent, Clark is second with 18 percent and Kerry trails in third with 12 percent." 
Don Hopkins is a longtime friend and one of the developers of The Sims. He's developing a set of add-ons and an RSS module for Sims add-ons.  
Phillip Pearson: "Non-bloggers can now create PyCS accounts." 
Jenny Levine's subscription list. 
John Robb is a fan of Bush's new immigration plan. 
Wired: "No company in the Mac universe is as reviled as Microsoft." 
Life's full of surprises, some big some small. Last night's West Wing was excellent. Worth watching twice. They change the names of ex-Presidents, so you wonder who's who. Is Lassiter really Carter or is he Reagan. Which one is Bush I? And what ex-President does John Goodman play? Inspired casting and really good acting. The whole thing was on a grand scale, something the WW does so very well. So there you go, it didn't jump the shark, it didn't need Sorkin to go interesting places.  
Jason Young: "You can get anything you want. 'ceptin Alice." 
The New Hampshire lineup for the next three days includes Lieberman, Kerry, Kucinich, Clark, Gephardt, Dean and Edwards. 
Brent Simmons: "What new web services would you like to see?" 
I am very interested in the questions Brent asks, and the answers, because I want to keep moving with feeds.scripting.com. One of the things people want is the ability to subscribe to OPML files. This a very powerful idea, and I want to go all the way with it. It's the next level after RSS. Not only do I subscribe to your feed, but I want to subscribe to a set of feeds that you choose for me. Imagine Jenny the Librarian managing a set of librarian feeds for programmers. Or Taegan Goddard keeping a set of political feeds for people who want to watch all the campaigns. This goes somewhere. And it's curious timing because this evening I turned on the code that teaches feeds.scripting.com to subscribe to OPML files. If, instead of uploading, you enter the URL of an OPML file, we'll check it periodically to see if it changed, and if it did, we'll re-load it, and use it recalc the Top 100, and to refresh your Other People's Feeds page. It's like an ant farm. Still diggin! 
Jon Udell's subscription list. 
Last update: Thursday, January 08, 2004 at 7:39 PM Eastern. | Dave Winer 

