Share Your OPML is Feedster's Feed of the Day. Thanks!  Martin Sheen who plays the President on The West Wing, is campaigning for Dean in Iowa.   Wesley Clark has his pic taken with Dowbrigade! For real, no acting. "I'm a Citizen Journalist," he said. Clark did an imitation of his death mask, as a favor to Dowbrigade. Even so, no vote. "We had seen enough to know we wouldn't be voting for the good General." He looked at the young lady and smiled, "Going down?"  Bushout.TV is tracking candidate television commercials.  A new Share Your OPML toy. As described yesterday, if a Top 100 blog has a picture in a post I pull it out and add it to a flow of similar pics. I had to filter out Web bugs that one of the top bloggers is adding to his feed. I wish every image had a border attribute of zero. It's already fun, and yes I know everyone will want this RSS-ized. I'm sure if it continues to be a hit, that'll happen soon enough.  Lessig: A Taste of Our Own Poison.  NY Post reports that Bill Clinton is working for Wesley Clark.  ProjectForum, an "easy-to-setup powerful Wiki" now has RSS support.  FlexWiki, a .NET Wiki, generates RSS (the flipside of the RSS support ProjectForum has).  Today's song was written by Ira Gershwin with a haunting melody by Harold Arlen, sung by Judy Garland in A Star Is Born (1954). Can't get it out of my head. And where it goes "You wanna have grapes on a vine?" I thought she was saying "babes."   Taegan Goddard: "The Iowa caucuses are now one week away."  When reporters ask Bush why we should return to the moon, will he invoke terrorism and 9-11? Are there weapons of mass destruction on the moon? Mars? How will we know until we go there. Maybe that's where we'll find Osama bin Laden? Stranger things have happened!   New feature: Subscription lists for authors of the Top 100.  News.Com: "IBM gained more US patents than any other company in 2003."  My annex to Postel's Law: "We should all collectively be conservative in what we send."  Diego Doval on Postel's Law and OPML. 
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