Political Wire exit polls. Edwards++.  Bob Stepno has been following the NY Times election "weblog."  I asked Randy Charles Morin what he would do if he was on the RSS Advisory Board, and, no surprise, I got a thoughtful and upbeat response.  Rogers Cadenhead: Janet's Breast Throttled My Server.  InternetNews: Is Ad-Supported RSS the Next Big Thing?  Jim Moore reports from the Dean campaign. A couple of thoughts. I'd be more encouraged if the campaign were getting inspiration from new people "in the field" -- although that would reflect an imbalance in perspective. Second, how about doing something creative with the money? Now that we know how the 2003 money was wasted, what's going to change in 2004? What is the newly funded Dean campaign going to do to empower our minds? The rallies clearly didn't make a difference. Nor did the expensive collateral material or television ads. Wouldn't an Internet campaign make it easy for voters who care to find out what the issues are, in plain understandable terms? Activate and then empower our minds, that's the challenge. That way, should your guy become the front-runner again, we'll all know where to tune to get the counter-arguments when CNN and ABC go after him. Maybe Dean is the rare phoenix who gets to rise from the ashes. If so, let's get to level 2.  Last year on this day: "How about teaching us something about space and the universe. Seems like the perfect opportunity. They say we wouldn't understand, but I'm not sure they're right. I think maybe they're just lazy."  NY Times: "They're dead, but they don't know it yet."  Ross Karchner is doing a front-end for RSS validators.   Scott Rosenberg: "If US intelligence is broken, it's clear that the Bush White House broke it."  Three years ago: "How can the air be so soft and full of new fragrances while winter is in full swing in so many other places?"  BBC: "John Kerry's supporters are hoping for a knock-out blow with a clean sweep of seven states picking a Democrat presidential nominee today. 
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