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Back in Boston. Let's have fun! Larry Lessig will speak at Radcliffe tomorrow afternoon.  Ross Mayfield explains how Disney is using RSS enclosures.   LA Times article about Dean quoting Berkmanites and others.  At dinner last night I gave my usual schpiel about how DaveNet started, and since I was dining with Microsoft people I emphasized the early piece I wrote about Bill Gates, and his response. I quoted Bill saying that the Internet wouldn't mean less sales for Flight Simulator or Encarta, and I said he was right but that wasn't the point. One of my companions stopped me there and said wait a minute, the Internet did mean less sales for Encarta. I was shocked. That's correct, and Gates got it wrong, and I wasn't enough of a visionary to see it. I got it wrong too. Who needs an encyclopedia on a CD-ROM when you have the Web at your fingertips? Someday some kid is going to ask you What is Encarta? That might be where you end up going today.  1/25/04: "You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant." 
In a comment on the Cadenhead site, a guy named Pete says: "Just a reminder, you don't have to use Google." Perfect. A good way to provide feedback to the Google people is to switch away from them. Let them make the connection that the day they started playing unfair is the day the users started moving away. Companies always respond to this kind of input. It's where users have the most power.  Andrew Grumet: RSSTV, Syndication for your PVR.  CNN: Kerry wins in Tennesse and Virginia. Clark quits.  A review of the new headphones. I'm going to try them out tomorrow on the flight from Seattle to Boston.   Most of the meetings at Microsoft yesterday and today were non-disclosed. Interesting stuff. Wish I could talk about what I saw and heard. However I can say this, as promised, I went to bat, repeatedly, for the open formats and protocols of the blogging world.  
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