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So Yale doesn't feel totally out there, Harvard Law School also took took a shot at me during the flamefest. Their comment about RSS is pretty nutty (it's a format, not software, it can't be licensed under GPL). They say they got their facts from Wired, so they're just passing on what they heard. I guess that's an okay excuse. Anyway, thousands of people weren't stranded and we got all the sites back on the air within a week. It would be nice if they published that part too. Greg Linden: "Findory Blogory just launched a new and unusual feature: personalized, aggregated, and adaptive RSS feeds."  According to CNN, Kerry has chosen a running mate and will announce shortly.  Jason Calacanis: "Dave, how much would you pay for an add-free RSS feed from Engadget.com?"  Follow the links in this post by Tim Jarrett to learn about Yahoo's first attempt at a gated community built around RSS.  
Boston.Com: Engaging young Bostonians in citizenship.  Britt Blaser: "We cannot comprehend how stupidly the inexperienced bulk of society speaks of war as a rational option that we're entitled to use on people the way a company might launch a hostile takeover."  Photos from BlogTalk in Vienna.  Aggregated bloggings from BlogTalk. 
In Vienna, the BlogTalk conference is underway. Paolo is blogging.   Also Der Shockwellenreiter and Heiko Hebig.  As Adam notes, Radio and Manila sites have officially joined the age of comment spam. It's happening on my sites too. Look on the bright side, here's a new chance to get creative. BTW, I had an interesting phone talk with Adam this week. He didn't want to call while I was under attack on blogs and in the press, which I kind of understand, then he told me how the Dutch press is treating his wife (she's a movie star) and I realize I don't have it so bad.   Geek News notes that SixApart is now getting Trackback spam.  This is a puzzling story, perhaps someone from Britain can explain. "The BBC has just under four months to redefine the remit for its online services, the government has said." I think that means that the websites have to explain why they shouldn't be shut down. The BBC web is unique, it's the only major news site that doesn't move their archive behind a for-pay firewall. The NY Times is second-best, but the BBC is perfect. It would be a shame, but an understandable one, if they became more restrictive.   Lance Knobel: "There’s no chance the things most people value from the BBC, principally the news sites, will face any changes."  Independent: "There was evidence that BBC Online, which was launched in 1998, was having an adverse affect on commerical rivals."  NY Times: "Apple has elected to use a compression standard that, to put the best face on it, creates an awfully small file." 
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