A new audio, call it Interstate 25 Diet Coke While Driving Notes.   Pictures that go with the audio: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.  Pictures taken earlier today: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.  Roughly the place where today's audio was recorded.  6:30PM Mountain Time: I'm in Santa Fe, very interesting day, beautiful rainy weather here in the foothills. And I have a high speed net connect so I'm getting caught up.   I thought I had all the digital driving gadgets one geek could want, but Rogers has something I don't have but lust for: satellite radio.  Engadget is gathering data on Apple's new iPod.   I've been referred to Maria's New Mexican Kitchen in Santa Fe by Matt Hooper, who passed through on a road trip in May.   Witness The Making of a Programmer by Adam Curry. He has the essential ingredient, determination. You must give up your pride, to the Programmer's God, who speaks to you (in mysterious ways) through The Environment. The high priests pat the user on the head "Don't worry, we'll take care of your soul." Haha says Adam. I want my features now. I have an itch. Must scratch. Me programmer. That's how all good user-oriented programmers got started. There are always people around saying you can't do it. Ignore them and go forward. In the early days of Radio I wrote a series of tutorials for newbie programmers called The Let's Go Crazy guide. The style was patterned after the hero in the movie Life Is Beautiful. When you're feeling sad and blue, give them a read.   Going Crazy With Macros: "I'm going to go very very slowly here, and even so, I'm going to strip the gears of people who have never programmed before. I can't help but do that, the only way to learn how to program is for you (sorry) to stare at the code and try to figure out what it does, and then stare some more. Basically that's how everyone learned to program. It's a strange world, but it's fun. But don't feel bad if it makes you feel stupid. We've all been there."  My new camera. I love it, it's taking some great pictures.  
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