| Sunday, September 05, 2004 |
For your consideration: Why isn't the USA Patriot Act being discussed in this election? Are we supposed to assume that if Kerry is elected he will withdraw executive branch support? Who will be Kerry's attorney general? We know it won't be Ashcroft. Why don't they say who their key people will be? 
Pictures: Banff to Kelowna. 
I didn't stop to take many pics today, but let me say this, British Columbia, is every bit as beautiful as they say it is, it's so stunning, so dramatic. This pic gives you some idea of the visualness of this place. 
Today's audioblogpost features Dire Straits, Doris Day and explains why it's worth it for Microsoft to invest in MSIE, even while they "boil the ocean" with Longhorn. (Also, the name of today's hurricane is Frances.)  
And we have a nice movie of a beautiful British Columbia river, probably a tributary of the Columbia.  
You can see all the pictures from the current trip on this page. 
Ed Cone, Jeff Jarvis and Douglas Rushkoff on weblog ads. Me, I don't want anyone messing with what I'm communicating on my weblog. There are already too many distractions. The money I could make by putting other people's messages here just isn't worth it. And by the way, I'm a signatory of the Cluetrain Manifesto. I don't believe there's a market for messages. I know they put ads on TV. But I'd rather watch videos about products that I'm interested in. And I think that would be a better use of the "advertiser" dollar. 
Chris Lydon interviews William F Buckley. 
Washington Post: "Last September, I wrote that RSS (short for Really Simple Syndication, a way for your computer to check for updates to your favorite sites), deserved more attention, and for once my timing was right. Within months, such mass-market sites as The Post and the New York Times came out with their own RSS feeds."  
Bzzzt. Fact check. The NY Times has had RSS since 3/20/02.  
Sadly, I seem to be running out of continent, again. I could keep truckin in this mode for a few more weeks, easily. I'm going to stop in Seattle for a few weeks, at least, and do some writing, programming, phone-calling, lunch-dinner-grabbing, sleeping, and who-knows-what. Last year I tried out a new east coast city, now it's time to try one in the west. I plan to stay at least long enough to vote in the November election, and to do my best to help Washington, a state that's in play, do the right thing, and vote out the most dangerous and unprincipled President we've had in my lifetime (and that's saying a lot).  
Last update: Sunday, September 05, 2004 at 10:26 PM Eastern. | Dave Winer 

