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Apparently Ben Barnes, the former Texas lieutenant governor who helped Bush get out of Vietnam service, will be on 60 Minutes tonight.   Editor & Publisher: "The Associated Press, after being told by the White House in February that it had released all of the President's military records, inexplicably got a new batch of documents from the Pentagon on Tuesday."  Kerry says Bush took us to war at the wrong time for the wrong reason. Bush responds by saying Kerry flip-flopped. As a voter, I'd prefer if Bush responded to the substance of what Kerry said. I know that the Iraq war isn't with the people responsible for 9-11. The Republicans had better hope this little secret doesn't get out. I think that's why Bush does his little dance around the question, sneering at Kerry, while not answering the question.  I heard a report on NPR today from a reporter who went looking for US soldiers who had been wounded, not killed, and found that while the war supporters like to say they support the troops, they're mostly alone. She told the story of a soldier who was blinded by shrapnel and lost an arm, living by himself in a trailer in West Virginia. The man can't see.   To all the people who are disappointed in Kerry's campaign (I am one of them) I think we need to start seeing this as our campaign. If you love this country, we can't let Bush have four more years. I don't care if Kerry flip-flops, we'll deal with him once he's in office. We just can't afford four more years of Bush. To pretend this is Kerry's problem is to shirk our responsibility.  Scoble: "Terrabytes of bandwidth were being used up by RSS."  Adam says BitTorrent could help. Maybe so. Aggregators could also be gentler and limit polling to once an hour.   Live from the Formosa Tea House. "Three bloggers having lunch and talking about stuff."  PC Mag reviews my camera. They're not impressed. I like it fine.   Time: "After the GOP assault, Kerry has a right to exaggerate."  Google is starting to advertise Picasa at the bottom of image searches.   Adam Curry found a Torrent file for The Daily Show on the closing night of the RNC. I clicked the link, and got the whole show. Great stuff.  Photos: Kelowna to Seattle.  Ed Cone reports on John Kerry in Greensboro. "W stands for Wrong." Amen. I'm willing to give him the letter, as long as we remember that little association. W stands for Wrong. Excellent.   I've gotten a bunch of email from people wanting me to come to Vancouver for a spicy noodles type dinner. Twist my arm. ;-> I plan to be in Seattle through the November election, and Vancouver is just a hop over the border, I can even take a ferry, so let's plan a dinner, a couple of weeks from now, and I'll be there! On this day in 2002 I discovered the joy of Julie Andrews playing Victoria playing Victor playing Victoria. She's totally a fox, esp in this role. Who'd-a-thought.  
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