Seatte Times: Blogging guru stops, for a while, in Seattle.  A new Trade Secrets is up, recorded this morning.   News.Com: "Sony confirmed on Wednesday that it is working to add native MP3 support to its portable music players -- a major strategy reversal."  JD Lasica: "How do we get Mark an RSS feed?"  Feedster now supports RSS 2.0 with enclosures. Bing!  Lunch today was at Etta's Seafood, 2020 Western Ave. Very good.   Kevin Gossett: "I hate Dave Winer because he's in Seattle and I'm not."  Taegan Goddard summarizes the latest national poll.  Andrew Sullivan: "Not bad for a bunch of slackers in their nightclothes."  Juan Cole: "What if 3,300 Americans had died in car bombings, grenade and rocket attacks, machine gun spray, and aerial bombardment in the last week? That is a number greater than the deaths on September 11, and if America were Iraq, it would be an ongoing, weekly or monthly toll."  Paul Krugman: "America's overstretched armed forces are gradually getting chewed up in a losing struggle."  Scripting News is once again officially a Pacific Time Zone weblog.  BloggerCon session announcements Session: Bloggers and Journalists -- Border Crossings. The next BloggerCon is November 6 at Stanford Law School. Late last week I started working with the discussion leaders, one-to-one, talking about how BloggerCon sessions work, and to get started on the session descriptions. I like to present the sessions one at a time, on the BloggerCon site, and here on Scripting News. Starting today we'll be introducing sessions on a fairly regular basis until the grid is filled in, which will probably be the day before the conference, if memory serves me. Scott Rosenberg, managing editor of Salon, will lead our discussion on journalism and blogging. He's an ideal person to lead this discussion because he's a skilled reporter, and both a journalist and a blogger. All three BC's have had sessions about journalism. The first discussion was led by Ed Cone, the second by Jay Rosen, and now we turn to Scott Rosenberg.
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