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Taegan Goddard: "Tom Goldstein got permission to post the must-read October 2004 Vanity Fair article on the 2000 Bush v Gore election litigation including 'never-before-reported details about what happened inside the Supreme Court.'"  Larry Lessig debates the merits of the Edwards candidacy. He will also lead the law-blogging discussion at BloggerCon III on Nov 6 at Stanford. 
Audio of today's Bush press conference, with comments by yours truly. This is a format I want to play with, I first heard Rush Limbaugh do it, artfully, with a speech by John Kerry.   Bush says he gets the truth from the Iraqi Prime Minister. He appointed him. Geez Louise, call Central Casting. Who do we have to blow to to get a little truth around here?  Paolo dreams of a Google browser.   JD Lasica: "Google News uses computer algorithms to identify top stories while Yahoo News favors old-fashioned human editors. But do Google's automated search results display a conservative bias?" 
Geek News Central approves of AOL's more secure sign-on, and so do I. It would be great for example if a brokerage firm offered a more secure login, and some rules about when and in what amounts transfers could be made. Some in the blogosphere have criticized AOL for this, but identity theft is a big problem, and any attempt to build more secure identity systems is worth considering.  Bush still lies, saying the war in Iraq is a war on terror. "It's the central front in the war on terror," he says. This is the fatal flaw of his government, it's built on a lie.  
BBC tea-leave-read about Google's rumored browser.  Julie: "When Ben & Jerry's names an ice cream after Dave -- or after bloggers in general! -- then we'll know blogging has finally caught fire."   Jerry: "I know the rent is in arrears, the dog has not been fed in years, it's even worse than it appears." 
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