Here's an idea, probably not very new, that came from a thread on Don Park's weblog a couple of days ago. Suppose there's an issue, say Choice vs Life (to pick something heavy) and you've got two people who like each other enough to be willing to have a refereed online back and forth. So there are three people, one on each side of an issue, and the third making sure that there are no personal attacks. The discussion takes place only between the two people, for two months, two years, two decades, two lifetimes, however long it takes, however long both have something to say. (Of course people can comment on the discussion on their own blogs, on mail lists, radio shows, where ever.) A document with three authors that's constantly being revised. Sure you can take vacations, maybe a month or a year at a time, as-needed. This would be different from a mail list, or a blog, or anything else. A deliberate respectful discussion, more about the respect and exposure of issues, than about settling the unsettleable. An interesting idea?  Philip Greenspun saw Arlo Guthrie perform in Harvard Sq.  I listened in on tonight's Berkman Thursday meeting with Marc Canter giving his semantic web roadshow talk. Here's a picture of Berkman, via Keyhole, where the meeting took place. Marc keeps getting cut off. "God bless Murphy," he says. I hope someone is making a podcast of this.   Shannon Clark says that sometimes we seek out advertising. That's so true. I consume huge amounts of commercial information, every day, as I do my work.   Stan Krute says (via email) that Keyhole is an accomplishment on par with Basic, the Apple II, Mac, Mosaic and Google. He's created a set of bookmarks that let one "fly among the major league baseball park to baseball park." A bbs where users share their discoveries. I downloaded and installed the trial. It's very interesting, not perfect, it was off by three blocks in finding the house I grew up in.   Rich Salz: "WSDL 2.0 is the worst example of architecture astronautics I have ever seen."  Wired News reports on advertising in RSS feeds.  I take a stab at explaining why advertising in RSS is boring.  Robert Raketty is starting a discussion of a Seattle BloggerCon.  Brent Simmons explains why weblog editing is complex.   Michael Gartenberg notes that blogging got a mention on last night's West Wing. Toby Ziegler reminds Josh Lyman that bloggers are not journalists, but not in time to save Josh from getting reamed. On par with the usual junk that passes for drama on TWW. I don't know why I still bother.  Request for feedback. Last week we got a new server running, one which eventually, Murphy-willing, will host a BitTorrent-plus-RSS distribution service for podcasts. We moved Adam Curry's Daily Source Code to this server on Monday, and have had a few reports of problems. Neither Adam or I have seen any problems, the server seems responsive, but we need to know before we go much further if there's a problem.  
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