Barry Bowen on building a Manila-based OPML directory site.  A must-read Ode-To-Scoble by Steve Gillmor. And Scoble responds!  I've arrived in Vancouver. Didn't cough once on the way up, sneezed a few times. Feeling much better today. I have time for a nap before dinner. All caught up on my Gillmor Gangs and Daily Source Codes. Vancouver is one incredibly beautiful place. Everyone says that but it's true.   Happiness is an American cellphone that works in Canada.   Congratulations to Zeldman for quitting smoking. My own two cents. Smoking is an aid to creativity. I don't do the intense multi-day programming jags anymore, I can't without the cigarettes. The reason why, I think, is that the drug helps you tune out distractions. The smoke keeps interruptions away. Work that requires intense concentration is aided by things that push away distractions. But at our age, Zeldman and I are roughly the same age, after thirty years of smoking, to keep doing it would be suicide, and not far-in-the-future suicide, like it is for people in their twenties and thirties, but suicide in the near future. A few people get to smoke into old age, but it seems that most don't. So quitting is a way of giving us a chance of having an old age. So we can't push the envelope like we did before. But we can help others do it. And we can applaud it when it happens. And we can tell stories to kids on our knees about the old days when we could do it ourselves. It's not so bad. Hey it's better than being dead!   Russell Beattie is going to work for Yahoo, starting Monday. This is something like Scoble going to Microsoft. Without the ramp up. Good move on both sides. It'll be interesting to get some visibility into Yahoo. We expect an interesting story. Natural Born Blogger meets BigCo.   JD Lasica's movies of BloggerCon.   Don Park: "Frankly, this is the kind of innovation we need to be thinking about instead of reinventing what is already in wide use."  With all due respect to Jeffrey Veen, who I know from my Wired days, his experience with the email model type of RSS reader is exactly why that's the model you don't want to use. It's not like email. Let the river of items flow through your queue, scroll over them with a scroll bar, and don't let the software tell you you're falling behind. Your time is what's valuable, there's no value to the items you didn't read. If it's important it'll pop up again. RSS is not email. Don't sort them out into little boxes that you have to go to, make them flow to you, in a river, unsorted. I wish people would just listen to this simple idea, so many people are using RSS the wrong way.  Mary Hodder reviews the new interface at PubSub.Com.  Yahoo has a new way of mapping cities that's really nice for people visiting who don't know their way around.   Vikas Kamat is from Birmingham, Alabama, where Condoleezza Rice is from, and he's proud of her, but observes she's not much-loved by blacks in her hometown. 
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